Friday, November 30, 2012

Is Wicca right for you?

This was featured on facestalk page Magickal Moonie's Sanctuary, which I love visiting because she (or he?) posts pretty pictures on Wiccan theory (sounds fluffy but there is no other way to describe them, I really like the style). Very informative and I just feel happier after peeking momentarily ;p
This is a short video advice so to speak on the Path of Wicca and how it really translates on an individual level. I was afraid of watching it for a moment, I don't know why, silly I guess. Worried she was going to come out and say 'No Wicca for you' Soup Nazi style..!

What I did feel while and after watching is assured. It made sense. Making a better world, redirecting energies to help the greater good and transcending the ego (which just wants to do magic spells to make its' human life better) spoke to me on a soul level. Especially the part about the Earth's energy. I definately think I will struggle with the transcending the ego part.. but that's the point isn't it? 

TipToeChick's Youtube Channel is here - I'll be back there to snoop around :)


While I was there, I came across Wicca Craft 1 - who according to the comments is like a Martha Stewart of Wicca... :) I watched this out of interest.. now I want to make a herb garden :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tarot books

These are the main Tarot books I use at the moment.

Spiritual Tarot
I've had this one for years - its pretty good - includes detailed descriptions of the cards of three decks - the Rider-Waite, Aquarian and Morgan-Greer. It also has questions to think about when the card comes up in a reading.. this is the oldest Tarot book to survive my possession :)

Druid Craft Tarot
This is the book that came with the current deck I'm using. I like the Druid/Celtic mythology behind the imagery on the cards. The only problem I have with this deck is that Temperance is The Fferyllt, The Devil is Cernunnos, The Empress and The Emperor are the Lady and the Lord, Judgement is Rebirth, Pages are Princesses and Knights are Princes. It's a little bit distracting. As I become more familiar with Celtic based Wicca, I'm sure it will make more sense.

 Tarot Made Easy
This book really does make it easy. It has definitions for each card in categories such as Focus, Outcome, Travel, Home, Work, Romance, Esoteric and Mundane guidance and so on. There are about 20 different ones. It doesn't really discuss the imagery or mythology - it's useful for a quick reference.

The Mythic Tarot Book
This book came with a previous deck I was using (and now cannot find ) - based on Greek Mythology. I really liked the mythology behind the images on these cards too. The funny thing was the hero in this deck looked exactly like the boy I had a crush on at the time. (yes.. this was high school) And in some parts, he is naked..


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Which card best represents my Wiccan Journey right now?

IX - The Hermit

That's funny - It came up recently for something else. And I asked a question of the Tarot a few days ago - The answer then was The Moon - in the Druidcraft Tarot book, the Hermit is a companion card for the Moon.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Witchy Women

This post is all about random stuff I find in the media - old and new. It's interesting. :)

The Witch Pricker - what an awful thing to do to anybody! And the woman who disguised herself as a man - is she the bad one, or just diverting attention away from herself?

Taken from

Witches' Sabbat in Paris, ca 1910 - this blogpost features a collection of old postcards, of young women disrobing and becoming flying witches... I love the vintage feel of them.

Taken from

So you want to be a Wiccan ... why?

I have found a really informative group on facestalk - Wiccan Moms 'Year and a Day Study Group'. I'm really looking forward to this - it will help me figure all this stuff out - and focus my energies on where to start or look. Everything I do there will be its' own post - (insert post link here). The study group starts Dec 3.

In the meantime, a new friend sent me some questions to think about... so I will answer them here.. and then I will look at them again in 6 months time :)


For those who are new to Wicca, it is important to carefully consider the following questions....
- Why do you want to become and to be a Wiccan/Witch?

I don't know if I want to be 'Wiccan' or a 'Witch'. What I do want is to become more in tune with the universe. It fills me with awe and wonder and I want to understand my place in it. I want to feel happier and more relaxed, for some reason I seem to think that studying the Wiccan path will lead me there.  

- How do you define Wicca?

Well without knowing anything specific, I would personally define Wicca as a pagan religion pre-dating Christianity. It is about being in tune with the universe and channeling energy towards personal goals and the greater good - but not in a way that harms anyone.

- Do you consider the words Wicca and Witch to refer to the same path, or do these words refer to a pair of parallel paths?

Both words I think are 'new' words for paganism - an old earth religion that predates science and mass organised religions. I could be wrong and I accept that :) Both have their connotations - and Witch just makes me think of Disney. :) If you remove the negative connotations I think they mean the same path. I will be interested to see how my perception changes over the coming year.

- What do you seek to get out of Wicca/Witchcraft?

I am seeking that oneness with the universe that I crave. To go above the petty ego-driven lifestyle and 'find myself'. I want to feel more in control of my life. Which sounds silly, cos we never have control over our lives.. maybe I can just contribute to it!

-What do you seek to contribute to Wicca/Witchcraft?

Wow. I don't know what I can contribute. Maybe this blog? They say you learn better through teaching, so maybe I can help everyone else by asking questions and really trying to understand everything. i can also contribute positive thoughtforms and good energy in the universe by overcoming my own negtivity.

- In or out of the Broom Closet...Which is right for you?

I might be a bit of both - depending on the maturity of my audience.

- How do you define religion and spirituality?

ooook. So we are getting existential here? Well I think religion is the organised external form of spirituality. Religion has its negative connotations too - Which group do you belong to? Would you die for it? For me spirituality is that connection with God or the Universe on a personal, internal level.

- Are these words synonymous or do they refer to different things? 

I believe religion and spirituality are not synonymous - but I also believe that there is a great number of people who would say otherwise. I respect that. But they are wrong ;p

- What does it mean to be a Wiccan/Witch?

To follow the pagan path. Do no harm to others. To recognise one's place in the Universe. To do magick as a form of channeling energy towards the good. (p.s. I like magick with a k :) It suits Wicca. Whereas magic suits magicians ;p)

- Why do you feel that Wicca is the right path for you?
From what I have read or come across over the years, it feels right. This question reminds me of that Elephant story - and Wicca may just be the most closely aligned to my perception of the Elephant. There are elements of Wicca and pagan or even new age spirituality that speak to me on a primal level :)

- Are you drawn to a specific Goddess, God, and/or pantheon of Deities?

No I am not as yet - I know little about the lot of them - maybe something will click soon. Maybe not.

- Why is the pentagram the holy symbol of Wicca?

Doesn't it represent the several elements? It's got five points hasn't it? I haven't even looked at a Pentgram for a while. Would 4 of the points be fire, earth, air and water, and the 5th one be God or the Wiccan? Something tangible that I can find out!

ok so I've just looked it up:

The five points represent the 4 elements plus the spirit, and the circle connects them all.

These questions will help you to organize your thoughts, and help you to build a foundation for the learning that you will undertake as you step onto the path, that is known as Wicca.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Where do I start?

This infomation is from The Celtic Connection.

Read as much as you can find on the topic – get an idea of the philosophy and ethics of Wicca -  so you can decide whether it is the path for you

Begin a wiccan journal  - write down your thoughts and feelings as you learn new things. Include associations with what you read and your own life. Appreciate Synchroncity!

Listen to your inner voice – if it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t right for you.

Once you have studied everything – and still feel that it is right – it is time to do the dedication ritual.

Dedication ritual

You are dedicating yourself to the craft and making the decision to live life in closer balance and harmony with the universe. You are making a commitment to the universe. Design the ritual in the way that is most meaningful for you.

Try meditation and visualisations. They will help you calm the mind and concentrate you energies on your understanding and use of Wiccan philosophy and spells.

And then, as far as the whole spell thing goes:

·         You need to learn the basic structure of spells.

o   Casting the circle

o   Calling quarters

o   Invoking the Goddess and God

o   Raising and directing the energy

o   Grounding

o   Centering

o   Closing the circle.

Stumbled upon... online resources for the procrastinating Wiccan

Being in Australia, I'm looking for infomation specific to the Southern Hemisphere. If you know any really good ones, please let me know :)

I have found so much in the last few days, I'm going to have to stop googling and actually look through these websites and pages. The notes next to my links are just to remind me what is there :)

Magicka School - they have free intro courses to Wicca and Tarot. I'm giving them a go as part of my year and a day :)

Spheres of Light- Book of Shadows - a very cool looking site with a load of information  - like an index. Cant wait to keep looking through :)

The Celtic Connection - very informative and I love the black and green :) Has a short course for $12 on Living Wicca Today that I'm interested in.  There is also a free newsletter and links to knowledge... there is a forum and I'm not sure if this link will work - but  here is a recommended website list to check out. Let me know if you try and it doesn't! 
Witchcraft - World of Wicca

Pagan Awareness Network Inc - Comprehensive. Must-see. They have free downloadable information pamphletts here

Witches Workshop Handbook - this appears to be a handbook made a while ago for people taking part or joining the Witches Workshop. Its like an online magazine, detailed and interesting. I'm currently making my way through it for my own Book of Serendipity :)
Shadows of Oz - Australian Wicca - this website and its' associated Facebook page are no longer updated because 'real life got in the way'. I haven't really checked it out, but it might be useful :)
GBG Year and a Day calendar - I'm considering purchasing this, but I don't know. The idea is good - but maybe I can find the info for free on a website somewhere.

Temple of the Dark Moon - this is a coven in South Australia - I haven't looked at the site properly, but it looks informative :)

The Musings of a High Priestess - The blog of a High Priestess from the Temple of the Dark Moon. I haven't read it yet - but looks good.

The Goddess House - a blog connected to the above blog and website :)

Wicca Spirituality Homepage

Goddess Runes used book - speaking of lost rune books, I'm not sure where this one is, but I've had the same runes since I was 15. They are very special to me. Now I can buy a used book for them here :) Looking for pictures of the rune on Google Images I came across PMH Atwater's webpage?.. will check it out later. I think Ellen is on ;p
 * found another site Runes of the Goddess you may want to turn your speakers down before heading here ;p
* And another blog on Asatru here which featured nordic runes...

Wicca: For the rest of Us - I came across this blog while googling Silver Ravenwolf. This site has reviews of her books, and doesnt agree with her point of view. Interesting review.. I probably won't buy Silver's books.. but then again, I might ;) I'm not sure what I think of the site yet, it seems a bit negative (but admittedly I've only really read the review) but even the title feels divisive... 'for the rest of us'.. but I'll still check this out :)

Facebook pages/groups

My favourite facestalk places to be:

Paganesque - My facebook page for this blog :) There you will find links, pages I share, and other stuff I feel like posting.

Serendipitous Zenefertiti - My facebook page for random stuff I feel like sharing :) Not necessarily Pagan related, because I try to post all the pagan stuff on Paganesque.
Wild Witch - this is the page created by Moonsong Rain - for her to share her knowledge. She is also the High Priestess of our online Coven, the Kindred Wild Witches.
Magickal Moonie's Sanctuary - I love this Facestalk page. I love the pictures and the information shared here. I keep coming back to it to see what is there :)
Wild Witch Academy - this page is a support page for the Wild Witch Academy - which you will find at Wild Witch Academy. It posts recipes, spells, potions and other information relevant to the lessons.
Witches Academy - Another one of those informative pages that have sprung up with info and lessons
Paganism and Wicca Lessons - very informative. Info on all kinds of Wicca related things.
Witches Workshop - a great Australian place for an experienced perspective. They also have a group I love checking out regularly here.
Dancing the Sacred Wheel - A Journey through the Southern Sabats - Frances Billinghurst - I bought this book - its really good :) It details the Sabbats from a personal Southern Hemisphere perspective - and inspires and encourages you to get to know your own personal environment and incorporate them into your magic. 


The Newness of Now

Welcome to my new blog! One would think I really do have too much on my hands... and I can't even promise I'll still be here in a moon's turn...

This blog is about me finding my place in the Universe.

I will post what I find out about Wicca, Dreams, Tarot, Runes and my own deeper spirituality. It may even be of some interest to others!

Blessed Be