Monday, August 4, 2014

Oracle reading 04/08/2014

Good morning and welcome to a brand new week!

This week I mixed four decks for you to choose a single card from, though of course you can choose more than one, all of them or none at all!

The cards are (L-R, top row, then bottom row):
1. Gaia Oracle - Perception - beyond the veil of illusion
2. Earth Magic Oracle - Gaia - Nurturing
3. Spirit of the Wheel Meditation Cards - Purity - Spirit Path of the North.
4. Chakra Insight Oracle - Honesty (Throat Chakra)

The vibe I get from these cards today is one of nurturing our deep inner selves. Nourishing our souls. Taking time out just for us. Trying not to overthink everything and just go with the flow.

Last week was crazy for me - busy, emotional, not sure what I'm doing with myself or my life - the mind can be such a powerful prison! But here I am, brushing myself off and jumping back on the 'life' bandwagon lol. I might even go to the gym today!

It is interesting how 'Earthy' today's cards are :) With the Gaia oracle used, and then Gaia coming up in the Earth magic oracle - Gaia being the Greek Goddess embodying Earth. Then in the Spirit of the Wheel - the path of the North - well North corresponds with the Earth Element, unless like me you live in the Southern Hemisphere and associate it with Fire!

The Honesty and Perception cards are an interesting mix too - they tell us read between the lines, to look through the façade that we (and others) show and to find our truth. But to be gentle and forgiving while you do it :) It is all about growth.

I have no idea what my 'truth' is - it has been a running theme this year - some say your 'truth' is your passion, your inner self, your spirit and your drive - which means perhaps I'm finding 'myself' this year - or a new version of myself :)

Anyway, I hope you have a great week! Here are the individual meanings of the cards:

1. Gaia Oracle

Perception – beyond the veil of illusion

The lady featured on this card looks directly at the observer. She radiates love and wisdom, yet stands firmly in her own truth. From this standpoint she is able to see beyond the veil of illusion. She has shown up in your reading today to reflect these same qualities within you. You are advised to stand your ground with regards to a particular person or issue. Stand within your own truth and don’t be swayed by another’s beliefs, opinions or views. If it doesn’t feel right, then it’s not; trust your intuition and gut feeling on this one. Be true to yourself. You can respect another’s views without having to change your value systems. If it doesn’t align with your values, then don’t take it on.

I honour another’s truth but stand firm within my own.
I am comfortable with who I am.
I keep an open heart and mind.
I empower myself when I honour my values.
In being true to me I am also true to others.

2. Earth Magic

Gaia – Nurturing

Receiving can be a sacred act if your intention is to honour Spirit. It is as holy as giving when performed with a humble and open heart. This is even truer when receiving much needed nurturing, so let others give to you. It may be a stretch to do so at times because of childhood conditioning, but that habit can be overcome. Your wounds can be healed. One way to achieve this is to nurture yourself, and allow others to nurture you.
Consider the actions you take that are self-nurturing. What comes to your mind when you really think about doing beneficial things for yourself? Set aside your ritualised habits and beliefs that restrict the pure act of allowing your body, heart and soul to be nurtured. Lie on the Earth and ask Gaia to rock you in her bosom as you breathe with her and relax into her loving care.

3.  Spirit of the Wheel meditation cards

Purity – Spirit path of the North

Keywords: inner child, innocence, freedom

Your inner child is longing for the days when responsibilities were few and your heart was free to dream and play. Take a break from the complexities of life and recognise your inner child. Work on forgiving yourself and other by letting go of regret or remorse. Hanging on to the past stops the flow of life from moving through you and prevents you from discovering your true potential.

Our childhood experiences sometimes leave us with emotion scars. We pile on layers of armour to protect the child within. Returning to the state of innocence is necessary for us to purify and nurture our inner child. For it is only through embracing life fully that we are able to begin to recover what has been lost.

There is a world of beauty to discover, so give your heart wings and soar above the mundane Recover your innocent and embrace the simple state of joy that is your natural birth right.

Prayer: Hel me Great Spirit to learn to honour myself. Let me see the world through the eyes of my inner child, and to recapture the wonder and innocence that can set my heart free.
4.  Chakra Insight Oracle

Honesty – Throat Chakra

Truth – transparency – sincerity – communication

Honesty opens the door to true freedom. Honesty is the currency of inner strength. Experience the power of sharing your truth.

This card is all about truth. To live honestly and truthfully. Being honest in your words and actions.

While sometimes honesty seems like a difficult path to walk, in the end it is the only way that truly fulfils and sustains us. When you can speak your truth without attachment to how others respond, then you are truly free to be yourself.

When we gossip about others or speak dishonestly in any way, there is a part of us that knows it. If we go along with something that isn’t aligned with who we really are, we feel it deep inside. By acting outside of our integrity, we betray a part of ourselves, and in doing so we move away from our soul’s path.

This card is a call to new levels of honesty and transparency. It is time to honour your values and beliefs and to live in alignment with these. If there are things that need to be said, now may be the time to speak up. If you are living in ways that are not aligned with who you came here to be, now is the time to be honest with yourself. If you feel blocked or stuck in your relationships because of hidden truths or unshared feelings, take this opportunity to come clean. Talk about it or write about it. Find ways to honestly express yourself. Your world will be transformed.

Honesty puts you on the path to fulfilling your life’s purpose, and lights up your steps along the way. The more you live in alignment with your truth, the more clearly the Universe can move and work through you. The truth will set you free!
So that is it :) Hope you found the reading useful, feel free to leave feedback or comments :)

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