- Often described as the creator of life, all things and the entire world.
- A ram god who fashions gods, men, birds, fish and cattle out of clay before breathing life into them.
- Giver of health and the languages of the human race.
- Often depicted with human body and ram's head, sitting at the potter's wheel.
- His divinity encompassed other deities such as Geb, Shu, Osiris and Ra.
- His colours are violet and reddish gold.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
KHNUM - Creator of Life
KHONSU - God of the Moon
More about Khonsu
- Youthful God of the moon, depicted as human, but can also take the form of a hawk, because he is a God of the sky.
- On his head bears a crescent moon which cups a full moon.
- Thought to be a child of Amun and his consort Mut.
- His name means 'wanderer' which refers to the path of the Moon across the sky and his role as navigator of human destinies.
- His colour is the silvery white of the moon.
(Lawson 1996)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Introduction to Runes
I have always found Runes fascinating. I don't have a long history with the Futhark runes, I did buy the kit 15 years ago and used them a few times, but it was the Goddess Runes I loved. At the expense of Wild Witch I am going to start posting about Runes, so here they are :) I'm learning about them, along with you dear reader :)
Source Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runes
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Elder Futhark Runes and their meanings found on http:// |
What are Runes?
Alphabets are the ancient alphabets used by the Germanic peoples of Europe in
around 150-1100 AD. The letters from the alphabets are known as runes
is the study of runic alphabets, runic inscriptions, rune stones and their
were replaced by the Latin alphabet as Christianity spread through Europe.
Origin of the Runes
It is said
in the poem Havamal, in the Poetic Edda, that Odin hung upside down
from Yggdrasil for night days and nights, and learned the secret of the Runes.
How many types of Runes are there?
There are
three best known types of Runes are
1. Elder Futhark (AD 150-800)
2. Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (AD400 – 1100)
3. Younger Futhark
( AD 800 – 1100) – these runes are divided into long branch (“Danish”), short
branch (“Rök”) and staveless runes (“Hälsinge” or “Stavestyle”). From
the Younger rune, the Marcomannic runes, Medieval runes (AD 110-1500) and
Dalecarlian runes (AD 1500-1800) developed.
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Younger Futhark Runes found on http:// |
The reason
they are called the Futhark Runes is because the first 6 letters are F, u, th,
a, r, k
History of Runes
were used by Germanic peoples from 1st – 2nd Century AD.
is no distinction in the surviving inscriptions between long and short vowels.
origin of the name Runes may come from the Gothic runa or root run- meaning
“secret” or “whisper”. The root run-
in Baltic languages means speech. In Finnish runo means “song” or “poem”. Old English – “mystery”
How were Runes used?
(and can be) used as symbols of power – etched into wands, talismans, amulets
to invoke the power of their meaning in those tools.
been used as written language for communication – you will even see them now as
decorations, tattoos, signatures. It is probable that there are people using
them as a form of communication, even though it’s not official. By this I don’t
mean tribes of people hidden in forests and caves... but people in groups, or
covens, or even solitaries who use them in their own book of shadows or for
spells and rituals.
use of Runes is what Buckland refers to as the power of the written word – and
there are many scripts from the Theban Script (Witches Alphabet) to Egyptian
hieroglyphs to Angelic and Pictish alphabets.
are commonly used as a divination tool – much like Tarot cards. One can choose
a single rune and consider its meaning, or they can do spreads and interpret
the combinations of Runes a variety of ways.
Source Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runes
Source – Buckland’s’ Complete Book of Witchcraft
The Goddess Runes :)
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Goddess Runes from Image from http://www.owl-lady.com/ |
Now these are the Runes I'm familiar with - I have to admit, these are the ones I have been using since I was 15, not the Elder Futhark or other variants. So naturally I understand these better than the other ones. But I am also here to learn so we can all learn together!
With these runes, you cup them in your hands while thinking of the question. You then take out the blank runes and place the one representing the questioner (you or the other person, ) or the person you are asking a question about in front of you. Then you shake the runs a little more and 'throw' them. Not actually throwing them of course! But you basically open your hands and they will fall around the question stone in various shapes and styles - the fun then is in reading and interpreting what you see. I love them. Unfortunately I have lost one of them somehow, and I do feel its' loss.. so haven't been able to do any rune readings - I need to go and find 16 stones in nature somewhere to make the set anew.. or find a missing stone
If you want to read more about Goddess Runes, then definitely get yourself a copy of "Goddess
Runes" by P.M.H Atwater, 1996, Avon Books.
With these runes, you cup them in your hands while thinking of the question. You then take out the blank runes and place the one representing the questioner (you or the other person, ) or the person you are asking a question about in front of you. Then you shake the runs a little more and 'throw' them. Not actually throwing them of course! But you basically open your hands and they will fall around the question stone in various shapes and styles - the fun then is in reading and interpreting what you see. I love them. Unfortunately I have lost one of them somehow, and I do feel its' loss.. so haven't been able to do any rune readings - I need to go and find 16 stones in nature somewhere to make the set anew.. or find a missing stone
If you want to read more about Goddess Runes, then definitely get yourself a copy of "Goddess
Runes" by P.M.H Atwater, 1996, Avon Books.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
RA - God of the Sun
The Mighty Ra ...
- Also known as Re.
- Sun god of Heliopolis whose other forms are Atum and Khepri.
- Depicted as a falcon with a sun disc on his head.
- When passing in the Underworld he has the head of an old man or as a ram-headed God.
- The Sun crossing the sky was thought to be his eye, or his body.
- As Atum-Re, he is the creator God, endowed with many live-giving properties.
- Said to have created humankind from his tears.
- He ordered the cycle of the three seasons which make up the Egyptian year.
- Colour is the gold of the Sun.
AMUN - Lord of Concealment
Who was Amun?
- Held as supreme in the Egyptian pantheon.
- Often depicted on a throne, thought to be a forerunner to other gods and goddesses.
- Might have been an incarnation or manifestation of ancient Sun God Ra.
- Amun was thought to be invisible to mortals, his name means concealment or 'hidden one'.
- His flesh is the blue of lapis lazuli, a stone prized by the Gods.
(Lawson, 1996)
HATHOR - Mother of the Pharoah
Honour thy Mother, Hathor :)
- Universal Cow goddess associated with childbirth.
- Often depicted with a crown of cow horns and a sun disc.
- Like Isis, sometimes described as the mother of the Pharaoh and thus associated with the birth right and right to rule.
- She is the sensual goddess of love, music and beauty.
- The Greeks likened her to Aphrodite.
- Colours are deep oranges, pinks and peaches - colours of vitality.
Image: http://lightgrid.ning.com/group/tomkenyon
ANUBIS - Lord of the Afterlife
Tell me more about Anubis!
- Said to be the son of Nephthys, conceived during a liaison with Osiris, husband of Isis. She is also the sister of Osiris. Apparently Isis adopted Anubis as her own son.
- Anubis had special healing powers, and was cast as a rescuer, working with unconscious and anaesthetised people, leading the blind.
- He protects all who cannot see.
- Provides safety and guidance for travellers.
- Brings healing to those who are suffering.
- His colour is terracotta.
BASTET - Cat Goddess
More about Bastet:
- In some traditions she is the daughter of Isis and Osiris, and the sister of Horus.
- Usually depicted as the Cat, a sacred animal to the Egyptians. Earlier versions have her as the lioness - vicious and vengeful.
- The hieroglyph of her name is a sealed perfume jar.
- Her colour is turquoise.
(Lawson 1996)
image from http://www.etsy.com/listing/58338606/ancient-egyptian-goddess-bastet-art
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Yule - Winter Solstice approx June 21 in Southern Hemisphere
Here in Australia, in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons don't match the Northern Hemisphere. That is about as simple as you can put it. We are on the opposite side of the globe to the mainstream pagan culture - and as a result - our weather and seasons are the opposite. While the calendar year runs smoothly, the pagan Wheel of the Year is different. Yes the cycles of nature are still present, but nature itself is topsy turvy.
We are used to following the tradition of the North. Pop culture demands it. Globalisation resulted in it. We have only been hanging around in the South for a few hundred years. We are getting there. We are used to it though. As kids, we grow up with the winter themes of Christmas - Santa in thick woollen clothing, snow covered Christmas trees, Snowmen, reindeer, traditional hot lunches on Christmas Day. Ha. Bring on the beaches and the barbecues and the thongs (flip flops ;p)!
It's sorta funny - how the whole thing could even be a metaphor for paganism and Christianity - following a tradition because that is what we do - not striking out on our own because it makes more sense. But more on that later.
As children growing up in the Australia, we become accustomed to associating Christmas with winter overseas. We become accustomed to the traditional hallmarks of Yule, such as the decorated trees, the mistletoe, wreaths and pine cones, being associated with Christmas. We even become used to thinking Yule is just another name for Christmas. Ironic, isn't it.. when we are the product of the social conditioning behind Christianity at its most effective?
You mean Yule is its own holiday? Associated with Winter, not Christmas?
We can't celebrate the holiday for the Winter Solstice in the middle of Summer. That's not what the whole thing is about. We aren't waiting for the birth of the Sun.. it's already here. We are in the middle of Summer - it's hot, it's stormy and the thought of snow would be a dream. Oh to be able to move without sweating!
In Dancing the Sacred Wheel, Frances Billinghurst encourages us to look at our own environment and tailor the Sabbats to how we actually experience them, not how we think we are supposed to based on what we read. The following is my understanding of Yule, and how it fits my life.
So Yule is about the rebirth of the Sun God, hence the symbolism of rebirth, the turning of the wheel as it clocks over from the days being shorter than the nights - to the nights shrinking into day. It was traditionally known as the new year - so gels well with the calendar year, which in the Northern Hemisphere starts a few days later. We can take this thought as our own, and consider Yule as a time to reassess our goals and plans for the calendar year. How are we going with those new years resolutions? Have YOU lost 20kgs yet? (no). The God died on Samhain, the climax of the new calendar year is well and truly over, and we have been left our time to mourn - now is the time to pick up again, get stuck back into those plans we had for the year. We can't believe how the year has flown already. Better get to it!
We are also halfway through the school year. Phew. The School holidays in QLD (where I live) start now.. so its the end of the morning and afternoon school run for a couple of weeks. The beginning of the School holidays holds so much promise - all this free time.. but then again the challenge of looking after the kids all day everyday - cant wait for Father time to tick over and send them on their merry way back to school again!
We don't have snow, but we have a cold snap and winter rain. Here in Brisbane, we have had lots of rain this year - coupled with the cold, I can imagine I'm not the only one looking forward to the Sun coming out :) One pretty thing is the Wattle tree blooms this time of year - gorgeous yellow wattle flowers start appearing around the place - and as Billinghurst says, like little golden orbs of the sun - blooming to show us the Sun God is born and coming back. Or she says something like that anyway :)
And around the time of Yule, my little Sun Goddess was born - her birthday is 25 June. I like that correlation. She is my first born... changed my life - and she is bright and loud and sweet and beautiful.. my little Cancerian incarnate. So around this time of year her birthday reigns supreme in our house anyway - so there is gift giving and reflection (can't believe she is so old already) reminding us of the turn of the Wheel of the Year, and indeed our lives.
So there is a snapshot of Yule as I know it. I didn't mean for it to be so long! I hope you enjoyed reading it. I look forward to many more Yules... and finding new ways and reliving old ways in honour of the rebirth of the Sun God :)
Friday, June 21, 2013
~ Tarot Card 3 ~ The Empress ~
The Empress
Key phrase – Creative Abundance
![]() |
http://tyrantx.deviantart.com/art/The-Empress-Tarot-Card-III-100700565 |
Archetype – The Mother
Symbolism – Nature and fertility, nurturance, renewal,
abundant life
Securing the seeds of growth, movement that is onwards
and upward.
Doorway of life – physical, emotional, mental
activities and earthly existence.
Passion and creative ways to bestow your feelings.
Connected to the Archetypes of Isis and Juno.
Unites the concepts of The Magician and The High
Symbolises birth and motherhood, sexuality, pregnancy,
generative action that brings ideas into fruition
Reminds us to patiently nurture things we believe in –
to use the imagination to create the life we want.
Shadow: feeling emotionally barren; regarding our need for
love as a bottomless pit; dwelling on the pains of the past rather than moving
forward; feeling that life is chaotic; planting seeds of mistrust and deceit;
destroying instead of creating; engaging in love that smother individuality.
When you draw the Empress:
Take care to cherish and protect the people and
projects in your life today.
Exercise more self-discipline and creative courage.
Give yourself credit for your accomplishments and
other credit for theirs. Fully experience and enjoy that success.
Review the cycles of your life; identify your present
cycle and redefine your priorities accordingly
Look at the destructive situations and negative
feelings you hold onto. What can you learn from them and use? Let the rest go.
Paganesque Pantheons - Egypt
Here is a list of the pictures I've started for the Egyptian Pantheon.. Once I have made the initial pictures, I'll start adding their stories and more! :)
Image of Nut - http://loveofthegoddess.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/nuit-egyptian-goddess-of-sky.html
Egypt mythology - http://egyptview.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/egypt-mythology.gif
Image of Nut - http://loveofthegoddess.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/nuit-egyptian-goddess-of-sky.html
Egypt mythology - http://egyptview.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/egypt-mythology.gif
Paganesque Tarot Series
And now the list of entries for the Tarot posts :) Incomplete of course! Be sure to come back and check them out :)
Tarot Numerology
Tarot Suits
Tarot Archetypes
Questions to consider when studying Tarot
Major Arcana
The Fool
The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
Minor Arcana
Ace of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles
Tarot Resources
Image: http://www.media-point.co.za/tarot-by-cara-8760
Tarot Numerology
Tarot Suits
Tarot Archetypes
Questions to consider when studying Tarot
Major Arcana
The Fool
The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
Minor Arcana
Ace of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles
Tarot Resources
Image: http://www.media-point.co.za/tarot-by-cara-8760
Paganesque Dream Series
Here is a list of the links for the blog posts on Dreaming - I'm trying to get an easy to navigate list for you to find what you are looking for :) Let me know in the comments if it works or doesn't work for you.
Dream 101
Dream Dictionary
Remembering and Recording your dreams
Dreaming with Crystals
Types of Dreams
Dream Dictionary
Image: http://howtocontroldreams.com/is-lucid-dreaming-safe#.UcQka6V--oA

Dreaming with Crystals
Nightmares and Dream Adversaries ttp://www.zenpaganesque.blogspot.com.au/2013/06/nightmares-and-dream-adversaries.html
Image: http://howtocontroldreams.com/is-lucid-dreaming-safe#.UcQka6V--oA
These are gorgeous charts made by Magickal Moonies Sanctuary that I just had to post here. I can't improve on these, and I probably won't. Enjoy!
~ HORUS ~ Lord of the Skies
Now this God is a very interesting character - there are the associations with Jesus and Christianity, and the Divination kit I am using to learn about them is named after him. You see the pictures of the eye everywhere - lol and even as tattoos. There is something about Horus - but what? Where do we start?
Who was Horus?
- Son of Osiris and Isis.
- The visionary - the lord of prophecy, music, art, humour and beauty.
- Originally the god of hunting people, represented by the falcon.
- He later became identified with the sun - and as a symbol for the Pharaoh archetype.
- The Sky god Horus's left eye was the moon and the right eye was the sun.
- He is the all-seeing eye of clairvoyant ability, heightened vision and expanded awareness.
- The four elements, Air, Water, Earth and Fire are at his command.
- Represents the balance of the natural world, linked to the eastern horizon and foreign lands.
- His colour is Yellow.
NEPHTHYS - Goddess of Preservation
Who was Nephthys?
- Daughter of Geb and Nut, Sister of Osiris, Isis and Seth.
- She was Seth's consort until he murdered Osiris.
- She is mysterious and there is not as much known about her than there is about her siblings.
- Was often described as the 'lady of the mansion'.
- Embodied the healing power of grief as well as the gentle and silent guardianship of others.
- Nephthys is the funerary goddess, concerned with the preservation and protection of the body after death.
- She indicates the wisdom of retreating from life in order to grieve, reflect, receive new insights and recharge depleted energy.
- Her colours are muted greens and silvery greys.
SETH - King of Chaos
So considering the parallels between Osiris/Horus and Jesus, isn't it interesting that we have a story of one brother murdering another, a la Cain and Abel? I must look into that more :)
Who was Seth?
- Brother of Osiris, Isis and Nephthys. Son of Geb and Nut.
- Some Pharaohs associated themselves with him rather than Osiris or Horus.
- Legend paints him as a destructive, chaotic god.
- He murdered Osiris.
- Represents rebellious, untamed forces with humans and elemental nature - he is the Dark Side!
- Associated with stormy weather, hippopotamus, crocodile and boar.
- His colour is red.
(Lawson, 1996)
Thursday, June 20, 2013
~ ISIS ~ Mother of Magic and Majesty
This one is my favourite so far. I love Isis, and definitely look forward to learning more about her :) I'm a bit so-so with the photo used, I really like it for colour etc.. but I don't really like the sexualisation of her.. I don't know, does that make me a prude? I chose this photo because it was one where the words would stand out.. and it was eye-catching :)
So what does the Eye of Horus tell us about Isis?
So what does the Eye of Horus tell us about Isis?
- Isis is the daughter of Geb and Nut, sister and consort to Osiris and ruled by his side. She is mother to Horus.
- She embodies the Divine Mother, like Kali and Durga in Indian culture and the Virgin Mary in Christianity.
- The hieroglyphic symbols shows her royal bearing or influence over the kingship of Egypt.
- The cow horns represent her maternal power, legend has it that she would turn into a cow.
- Her colour is bright blue.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Osiris - Lord of the Underworld
Who is Osiris?
From what I have read on Facebook and seen by randomly-googling Osiris - there are many similarities between his story and the one of Jesus. Some argue that the original Christian Church recycled Osiris's story to create the fictional Jesus. I believe Jesus really lived. His life and times though, who knows?
I will research more about Osiris at a later date, but as a snapshot, here is some basic information :)
- He is the first born son of Geb and Nut
- The hieroglyph for his name is comprised of a symbol for an eye and a royal carrying chair.
- He is a universal God capable of absorbing the qualities of other deities into his own personality.
- Linked to the growing and harvesting of crops - represents the development of civilisation.
- Associated with life after death and the enduring light of the spirit.
- He presided over the Egyptian underworld 'Duat'.
- Colours are White and Green.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
~ 2 ~ The High Priestess
Key phrase – ancient and unrevealed knowledge
Archetype – divine feminine
The High Priestess represents your memory, the storehouse of all successes, failures, dreams, fantasies and dream guides. Inspiration through meditation.
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http://chimerapathogen.deviantart.com/art/20120111-High-Priestess-Robot-Tarot-278874008 |
• She encourages us to become more discriminating in our choices and conscious of the difference between our self-image and who we really are.
• We should examine our motivations as we confront life experiences and combine analytical thinking and intuition.
• A chance to rethink the choices we make when acting based on emotions.
• The archetype is linked to Persephone, and the mythological moon goddess – deep feminine understanding. The High Priestess is privy to the workings of upper and lower worlds.
Shadow – an inability to trust our intuition; literal mindedness; superficiality; an attitude of fatalism; duplicitous behaviour.
When the High Priestess appears:
• You are either relying on your intuition too much or too little.
• It is now possible for you to balance the masculine and feminine (or known/unknown) facets of your personality.
• You may soon become aware of earlier memories or conflicts that apply to your present situation. Be patient or receptive to their appearance.
• Hidden influences or unidentified motivations are at work in your situation.
• Attend to the basic lessons of spiritual growth.
(Echols, Mueller & Thomson, 1996)
• We should examine our motivations as we confront life experiences and combine analytical thinking and intuition.
• A chance to rethink the choices we make when acting based on emotions.
• The archetype is linked to Persephone, and the mythological moon goddess – deep feminine understanding. The High Priestess is privy to the workings of upper and lower worlds.
Shadow – an inability to trust our intuition; literal mindedness; superficiality; an attitude of fatalism; duplicitous behaviour.
When the High Priestess appears:
• You are either relying on your intuition too much or too little.
• It is now possible for you to balance the masculine and feminine (or known/unknown) facets of your personality.
• You may soon become aware of earlier memories or conflicts that apply to your present situation. Be patient or receptive to their appearance.
• Hidden influences or unidentified motivations are at work in your situation.
• Attend to the basic lessons of spiritual growth.
(Echols, Mueller & Thomson, 1996)
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