Saturday, January 19, 2013

On ya Broomstick!

There is so much infomation on Facestalk and the Internet about Paganism and Wicca.. sifting through it all is becoming meaningless.. as a newbie on her year and a day, I feel the need to simplify, man!

I've been reading Silver RavenWolf's To Ride a Silver Broomstick - which is an easy to read and thus accessible intro to Wicca. I like the book so far, I haven't come across the Christian-bashing I've read in the reviews, so maybe I'm dense, or I agree and am oblivious to it, or it's not there. Either way, I thought I would pose some questions for you whom are so inclined to have a little introspection and absorb everything you read.. and experience.

So join me on this journey! I won't be posting the content of her book, if you are really interested, you will buy it - I bought it from the bookdepository for about $15. Get yourself a notebook, or use your Book of Shadows.. I have been writing my answers in my Book of Serendipity.. :)

I'm going to refer to questions as Wiccapades - in a shameless venture of self-promotion..

Wiccapades is a blog I have to share what I have learnt.. it is very minimal now.. but I will add to it as I go along :)

Wiccapade #1
In your books, write an imaginary letter to Silver, your specific deity, the Universe or even to your future self. Tell your audience what you think a Witch is, how you would define WitchCraft, its representation in or acceptance by Society (including the media and your family and friends) and finish with a personal goal, be it material, physical, spiritual or emotional :)

You may suprise yourself!

You are more than welcome to post your short answers here, but I would suggest actually doing it for yourself - as a way or finding the Witch in You. You will learn more about yourself and your true journey if you don't feel the need to censor yourself :)

Much ♥ and Blessed Be!


  1. Why simplify something surely the path of discovery is part of the journey? Thats what makes each person's experience unique!
    I hope the book does well! I hope to see it in the UK
    Bright Blessings xx

    1. Hi thanks for commenting! I probably should've used the word absorb instead - I was looking in so many directions - reading this, doing that, but I don't think I was absorbing everything I was reading .. does that make sense?

