Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Your Animal Guides Reading 19/08/14

Welcome :)

You have reached the post with the meanings for today's Oracle Reading with Animal Cards, from Paganesque.

The intention of this reading was to give you access to animal guides that can help you this week - and they are an interesting bunch too! I have used three decks:

1. The Secret Language of Animals by Chip Richards
2. Druid Animal Oracle Deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gorman,
3. Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides from Steven Farmer.

At the moment, things might feel a little bit crazy. It's probably the Planets - and humanity's constantly evolving nature - but there is a lot of crazy around... a lot of people are left wondering, "What the?" and feeling frustrated or like they are losing control. I'm told that the Earth's energies are shifting and that we have to be open to change... and let the energies flow.
That sounds great and all, and full of love and light - but it can be a difficult, painful process - but apparently we emerge on the other side stronger and happier. Apparently! hahaha.
Animals ground us. They seem to deal with the planet just fine. They just go on being animals and it appears evolution has served them well... except for when we get involved. Our need to control and dominate our environment extends to our inner thoughts and emotions too... and when we are confronted by unfathomable or uncomfortable things we feel fear and become resistant. We can look to animal guides for comfort, stability and new perspectives on any problems that we face. We can harness their 'energy' for strength and responses or solutions to what is worrying us.
These animals are just a few - your particular spirit guide might not be here - in which case the animal you are drawn to probably has similar qualities. You will find that if you notice events and your surroundings, you will get clues as to which animals are your real guides :)
So here are the meanings of the cards:
1. Goose - Druid Animal Oracle
2. Cardinal - Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides
3. Bull - Druid Animal Oracle
4. Tree Frog - Secret Language of Animals
5. Tiger - Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides
6. Stick Insect - Secret Language of Animals

 Card 1 - Goose - Druid Animal Oracle
Vigilance – Parenthood – Productive power

Meaning: Drawn upright, this card may indicate that you are ready to take on the responsibilities of raising a family, or of committing yourself to a long-term partnership, Geadh brings creative and productive power, and allows you to open to this power, secure in the knowledge that your relationship, family or working partnership will provide a stable environment to act as a crucible for your creativity. The goose, with its strong attachment to its family and the ability to fly extraordinarily high from one continent to another, shows us that is it possible to be both grounded and spiritual in our daily lives.

Reversed meaning: Are you overly concerned about your rights, possessions or territory? Perhaps you are too possessive of your partner. While geese tend to mate for life, many humans do not – staying together may not be in your best interests. If the relationship is meant to last, it will thrive on mutual respect and freedom, no jealousy and possessiveness.
The ancient Celts kept geese for their eggs rather than their flesh. They knew it was best to keep the goose alive and productive. The lesson for us is that if we want to ensure our productive power, our capacity for creativity, we must look after ourselves. To make sure the goose keeps laying the golden eggs, we must keep the goose alive – well fed, well rested, well exercised.

Card 2 - Cardinal - Messages from you Animal Spirit Guides 
“The polarities of your spiritual pursuits and physical pleasures are out of balance, so do whatever is necessary to bring them back into equilibrium.”
When on the spiritual path, it’s easy to idealise what being spiritual means. It can become a rigid mental imprint on which you judge anything that varies from your conceptualisation of what ‘being spiritual’ is supposed to be about. This includes not only another person’s practices and beliefs, but your own. Falling short of this idealism leads to either assuming a righteous and arrogant positive with others, or when self-imposed, elicits guilt and shame.
This spiritual perfectionism can make you reticent about enjoying the pleasures of the material world, as well as those of your physical body. The Earth Herself provides a dazzling and sensual panorama of experiences to be directly encountered through the physical senses. Yet for many, truly enjoying the pleasures of the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell can be fraught with worry, anxiety, guilt, and shame – products or early childhood religious and/or cultural conditioning. Others become so entangled in the world of the senses that it becomes their god, and their spiritual core is lost to materiality.
To be polarised in one direction or another take you either to lofty heights and iridescent abstractions that are completely ungrounded, or else causes you to become caught up in the glue of the mundane world without the guiding light of Spirit to provide a locus of authority. With the blessing of your awareness, you can redirect your thoughts and actions toward that which brings greater balance and fluidity between the two polarities.
Associations: Courtship; singing; vitality; self-defence; integration; balance; spirituality; fatherhood; harmony; self-expression; confidence; listening; intuition; creativity; responsibility; colourfulness.
Card 3 - Bull - Druid Animal Oracle
Wealth – Potency – Beneficence
Meaning: Tarbh mediates the influence of Taranis, the Jupiter-like God of the Druids, whose beneficence and expansiveness bring the opportunity for a rich and abundant life. The bull is a symbol of wealth, and it is auspicious to draw this card when considering financial matters. But, remember that the ancient ones understood that true wealth is found in the heart and soul first, and only then in the material world. The bull represents fertility, potency, abundance and prosperity, things can sometimes take a while to achieve. If your goals require you to work steadfastly in trying circumstances for a considerable period of time, the bull will help you to succeed without becoming drained or depressed.
Reverse meaning: Do you have difficulty getting motivated? There is no animal more stubborn than a bull who refuses to move, and it may be important for you to look at the roots of your lack of motivation. You may also need to ask yourself whether you are sufficiently sensitive to others’ needs. Do you have a tendency to act like a ‘bull in a china shop’? A bull’s power, when harnessed or channelled, can be awesome, but when a bull is maddened he can become dangerous. How do you react under provocation? Think about whether you are tempted to use your personal power as power over others.
Card 4 - Tree Frog - Secret Language of Animals
Soul Song, meditation, creation, rebirth
Breathe. Breathe deep and breathe again. Allow your breathing to find a steady rhythm and keep your focus there. Right there on your breath. Close your eyes and bring your attention to the center of your being. Feel the rhythm of this breathing come from this place. Return to this place. All
begins in the center. Drawing in your breath through your nose, allow yourself to begin to hum softly and rhythmically as you exhale. Releasing thoughts and feelings. Releasing pain and uncertainty. Humming as your breathe. Feel the rhythm building. Allow the humming to grow and allow the rhythm to keep building. Allow the humming to grow and allow your body to sway from side to side or forward to back. When you’re ready, open your mouth and allow the humming breath to grow into another sound – whatever sound wants to come through. Stay in the rhythm. Sink into your seat. Sink into the earth. Call upon the ancestors whose feet have sung and danced in this oil. Call upon the wise ones whose faces have been painted in this mud. Whose bodies have been bathed in these waters? In the rhythmic song of your breathing, allow yourself to begin dreaming of all that you wish to birth into the world.

Frog brings you the gift of deep resonance and returning to the song of your soul. Time to awaken the sacred rhythm that calls your visions into being. There will be time for great, inspired action and that time may come very soon. But for this moment Frog invites you to sit for a time in prayer and meditation and allow the energy of your deeper Earth purpose to build up inside. Allow yourself to see yourself from way above or from the future of your path, looking back upon this moment as a turning point in your soul’s journey in the world. Open to the song that is waiting within. Know that it is honoured, welcomed and needed here – celebrated and joined by many. Frog calls you to sink deeply into the center of your being and allow your actions to arise naturally from the wellspring of your soul’s deepest dreaming.
I am a guardian of Earth’s highest dreaming.
I honour this role with my soul’s purest singing.
I am awake and living my purpose with every breath.
Card 5 - Tiger - Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides
“You’re being called upon to provide leadership, so trust that you’re capable of doing so”
Being an effective and compassionate leader requires that you know the art of balancing yin and yang – discerning when to advance and when to yield – and pay attention to the subtleties and the flow of the group process, while simultaneously staying attuned to your own intuitive voice. Whether your role as leader applies to your family, friends, employees, or a nation, you must listen to those around you and respond to their needs with strength and compassion. ANs when you deem it necessary, you need to follow your own sensibilities even though others may disagree with you. To the best of your ability, make your decisions based on what you determine to be for the greatest good, rather than catering to self-serving needs.
Fear and doubt may arise at times, but don’t let them deter you from your purpose. The best leaders aren’t perfect, but they’re willing to take calculated risks based on their own convictions and passionate desire to do the right thing. On occasion you may stumble or even fall, but don’t let that impede the acceptance of the leadership you’re being called to provide. Others are looking to you for guidance. Don’t let it go to your head, but do let it go to your heart.
Associations – Sensuality, passion, independence, confidence, clairvoyance, mysticism, intuition, power, agility, gracefulness, loyalty, intensity, devotion, focus, patience, stealth, healing, vitality, regeneration, adventure, challenge, tactility, sexuality.
Card 6 - Stick Insect - Secret Language of Animals
Stillness - awareness - discernment - composure
There are times to move with great acceleration and power. There are times to return to
natural rhythms and to move at a gentler pace. The message of Stick Insect takes this spectrum one step further, calling us to return to that ancient place deep within that knows the power of pure stillness. Become observant. Open your eyes to see and take in the world with all your senses. There is potency in silence and stillness. There is power in allowing yourself to become invisible for a time. To carry on with your own business, building up the rhythm of your work in the world without the need to be seen or noticed. Discernment is key at this time. Don't broadcast yourself or be lured by others agendas. Keep your plans close to your heart and keep your energy sweetly focused on the simple task of nurturing the seeds you've planted and tending your garden of life. Be patient and grateful. The harvest time is coming. But for the moment what is brewing deep within you is simply a contract between you and your Creator. Honour it with an inner smile as an invitation to savour the sacred stillness of your being. Instead of chasing the thoughts and opinions of others, spend more time in prayer and meditation, seeking the direct counsel of your greater Source within. And from this center place, bring your expanded awareness gently back into your world. As your mind and movements slow down, your ability to see and perceive opportunity expands. You will know what action is needed and you will move with calmness and clarity. You will smile softly and those around you may not even notice as you step from quiet stillness to full fruition and the joyful harvest of your dreams.

Affirmation: In the stillness I am power. Nothing to hide and nothing to prove. In the stillness I express. In the stillness I am present to the pulse of my Creator…rising up within me.
So that's it! I hope you like :)

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