Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stumbled upon... online resources for the procrastinating Wiccan

Being in Australia, I'm looking for infomation specific to the Southern Hemisphere. If you know any really good ones, please let me know :)

I have found so much in the last few days, I'm going to have to stop googling and actually look through these websites and pages. The notes next to my links are just to remind me what is there :)

Magicka School - they have free intro courses to Wicca and Tarot. I'm giving them a go as part of my year and a day :)

Spheres of Light- Book of Shadows - a very cool looking site with a load of information  - like an index. Cant wait to keep looking through :)

The Celtic Connection - very informative and I love the black and green :) Has a short course for $12 on Living Wicca Today that I'm interested in.  There is also a free newsletter and links to knowledge... there is a forum and I'm not sure if this link will work - but  here is a recommended website list to check out. Let me know if you try and it doesn't! 
Witchcraft - World of Wicca

Pagan Awareness Network Inc - Comprehensive. Must-see. They have free downloadable information pamphletts here

Witches Workshop Handbook - this appears to be a handbook made a while ago for people taking part or joining the Witches Workshop. Its like an online magazine, detailed and interesting. I'm currently making my way through it for my own Book of Serendipity :)
Shadows of Oz - Australian Wicca - this website and its' associated Facebook page are no longer updated because 'real life got in the way'. I haven't really checked it out, but it might be useful :)
GBG Year and a Day calendar - I'm considering purchasing this, but I don't know. The idea is good - but maybe I can find the info for free on a website somewhere.

Temple of the Dark Moon - this is a coven in South Australia - I haven't looked at the site properly, but it looks informative :)

The Musings of a High Priestess - The blog of a High Priestess from the Temple of the Dark Moon. I haven't read it yet - but looks good.

The Goddess House - a blog connected to the above blog and website :)

Wicca Spirituality Homepage

Goddess Runes used book - speaking of lost rune books, I'm not sure where this one is, but I've had the same runes since I was 15. They are very special to me. Now I can buy a used book for them here :) Looking for pictures of the rune on Google Images I came across PMH Atwater's webpage?.. will check it out later. I think Ellen is on ;p
 * found another site Runes of the Goddess you may want to turn your speakers down before heading here ;p
* And another blog on Asatru here which featured nordic runes...

Wicca: For the rest of Us - I came across this blog while googling Silver Ravenwolf. This site has reviews of her books, and doesnt agree with her point of view. Interesting review.. I probably won't buy Silver's books.. but then again, I might ;) I'm not sure what I think of the site yet, it seems a bit negative (but admittedly I've only really read the review) but even the title feels divisive... 'for the rest of us'.. but I'll still check this out :)

Facebook pages/groups

My favourite facestalk places to be:

Paganesque - My facebook page for this blog :) There you will find links, pages I share, and other stuff I feel like posting.

Serendipitous Zenefertiti - My facebook page for random stuff I feel like sharing :) Not necessarily Pagan related, because I try to post all the pagan stuff on Paganesque.
Wild Witch - this is the page created by Moonsong Rain - for her to share her knowledge. She is also the High Priestess of our online Coven, the Kindred Wild Witches.
Magickal Moonie's Sanctuary - I love this Facestalk page. I love the pictures and the information shared here. I keep coming back to it to see what is there :)
Wild Witch Academy - this page is a support page for the Wild Witch Academy - which you will find at Wild Witch Academy. It posts recipes, spells, potions and other information relevant to the lessons.
Witches Academy - Another one of those informative pages that have sprung up with info and lessons
Paganism and Wicca Lessons - very informative. Info on all kinds of Wicca related things.
Witches Workshop - a great Australian place for an experienced perspective. They also have a group I love checking out regularly here.
Dancing the Sacred Wheel - A Journey through the Southern Sabats - Frances Billinghurst - I bought this book - its really good :) It details the Sabbats from a personal Southern Hemisphere perspective - and inspires and encourages you to get to know your own personal environment and incorporate them into your magic. 



  1. thanks for posting, ill be looking thru these websites also :)

    1. You're welcome! Sorry I didn't see this comment :) There is so much out there.. I might have to update this list.. and its only been a month!
