Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Spirit of the Wheel Oracle Reading 09/09/14


Tonight there is a gorgeous full moon outside :) I forgot she was coming, but am so happy to see her again... the month moves so fast - before we know it, it will be the new moon again! In Australia, Ostara is coming... for the Northern Hemisphere,  Mabon is on the way :)

Here is today's reading, using the Spirit of the Wheel Meditation Deck. It's lovely - I find this deck warm, with a soft strength to it. Does that make sense?

I think this reading reaffirms that we are on the right path - that we are being guided by something greater than ourselves - and that they are guiding us through healing and finding our truths.

Grandmother Moon is a lovely supportive energy - we are becoming more connected with our psyche, and becoming used to listening to our inner voices. She is here to let us know we can trust our intuition, and that now is the time to find ways to connect with our higher selves - either creatively - through music, dance, or art, or through a more introspective means like meditation and self-reflection. Perhaps it is time to try automatic writing or taking up oracle or tarot cards :)

The Frog Clan card brings healing and renewal. You may have been going through a hard time, shedding the past or stuff you don't need. Healing isn't easy. It opens old or fresh wounds and cleaning out the gunk can really hurt. It can be really emotional - usually is really emotional - but let yourself cry, let yourself wallow - it is all part of the process.  Take time to connect with water - spend time by water, have a nice relaxing bath when you feel down - even nurture yourself by drinking more water!

The Creator card is a strong card to end with - it deals with manifestation of your dreams and connecting with the Great Spirit. Consider your faith in the Divine or how you conceptualise yourself in this universe - where do you belong, and where do you want to be?? Check your goals and how your plans are guiding you further towards your dreams.

Here are the actual meanings for the cards:

~ Grandmother Moon ~

Keywords – self-reflection, inner rhythms, intuition

Prophecy – Trust your instincts when it comes to matters of the heart. Just as Grandmother Moon moves through different stages to complete her cycle, you, too, can learn to follow the natural rhythms of your own body.

Take a look at your life. Are you at the seed stage of a relationship or project? If so, call upon the energies of Grandmother Moon to help you see it through to completion. Now is the opportune time for you to explore your body’s own natural rhythms.

If you are working in a creative field, discover your peak productive moments by becoming one with the creative powers within you. Your psychic abilities are strengthening now so pay close attention to the messages around you. Grandmother Moon offers the gift of self-reflection. Take the time no to delve into your inner self so you can learn to make the most of your natural creative rhythms.
Prayer – I take the necessary time to learn of my body’s natural rhythms. I honour you, Grandmother Moon, for teaching me to become one with the creative power within me.

~ Frog Clan ~

Key words – cleansing, release, healing

Prophecy:  In this overwhelming time, the Frog Clan card symbolises the feeling of swimming against the current. When we are working against our own nature and allowing past worries to build, we need the Frog Clan to aid in clearing away the heavy emotional baggage. In this state of high stress, even the simplest obstacle seems magnified. Release the Pressure and heal yourself on all levels. Let the flow of tears wash away your pain and leave you feeling cleansed.

The Frog Clan focuses on the healing that is needed by you or someone close to you. By being empathetic and allowing others to freely express their feelings, you can offer the support they need. Never underestimate the power of compassion.
Frog Clan teaches us to connect to the healing powers of water, which is the emotional flow within our lives. If the flow is famed up then we begin to feel the pressure building within us. Allow your emotions to flow freely and encourage the same in others.

Prayer: Through the gift of the Frog Clan I learn to connect with the healing aspects of water. Within the flow I learn to freely express my emotions and cleanse away any negativity. I offer compassion in myself and to others. For this, my spirit is stronger.

~ Creator ~

Keywords – awareness, co-creation, change

Prophecy – the Creator card brings a period of examining your faith and your values. There is a strong desire for change and redirection in your life. Here, you are given the gift of awareness. A hidden truth may be revealed to you, or a new understanding unveiled to you in the near future. This newfound information will bring about necessary changes. Connect with the oneness of Great Spirit through your prayers and beliefs. Co-create the hopes and dreams you have envisioned by experiencing change, and letting go of whatever is no longer serving your highest good. The Creator card is a gentle reminder that if you have faith in Great Spirit and yourself, you can overcome any obstacle towards change. Having faith in the great mystery allows the necessary changes to unfold.
Prayer – With the greatest of honour I open myself to the complete truth of who I am. I trust, Great Spirit, that you will assist me on my path. Help me to build my dreams and develop my potential for the higher good.

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