Thursday, July 31, 2014

~ Card of the Day ~ Oracle of Visions

Today's Card of the Day is from Ciro Marchetti's Oracle of Visions ... What do you see in this card? What is happening?
And how does it apply to your life, or your day?
It doesn't need to apply to something serious, like spirituality or inner growth - it could be something simple like, looking for car keys and not realising they are near your bird cage!

This card reminds me of the 8 of Swords - why? This figure is loosely bound, and there is a sword lol. Is it Pegasus? I need to brush up on Greek Mythology - I haven't looked at the meaning in the book yet - but it looks like he is tangled up in something - and because I see swords as air - thoughts, communication - I'm seeing writers block getting in the way of his dreams (he can't fly cos he is tangled).
It's all an illusion.. we aren't bound - we can shake off the pretty red ribbon and fly if we want to. Perhaps we are looking for excuses not to act? Closing off our eyes, and mind to what needs to be done, or what we really want to do.
This really resonates with me because I've been struggling with Uni this past week - trying to get assessments done - but losing interest and wondering what am I going to do with my life? The core problem is why I can't do these assessments? Is this what I am meant to be doing? It is amazing the difference a day or two can make... I pulled my finger out last night and actually handed something in. My trap is procrastination and self doubt - but I pushed through it cos I really do want to graduate so ... moving on :)
ok.. so here is the official meaning of the card:
Entrapment - Limitations - Restrictions - Complications
"We have more ability than willpower, and it is often an excuse to ourselves that we imagine that things are impossible." Francois de la Rochefoucauld
We are entangled by obstacles, real or imagine, that restrict our wishes and actions. Whether by ignorance, self-doubt or a paralysing fear, we allow them to control, limit or imprison us. If we could just summon the strength of will and confront them, we might face them down, and ultimately overcome them. In doing so we are free to fly once more.
This is an angel without flight, her wings entangles by troubles, obstacles and fear. In her suicidal pose, red ribbons entwine her wrists like streak of blood. But her entrapment is a consequence of her own fear. Blinded by anxiety, she is unaware that the nearby sword could be used to cut her ties and set her free to fly once more.

So what did you think? Would love to hear your comments :)

Monday, July 28, 2014

Oracle of Shadows and Light reading 28/07/14

Welcome :)

Here is today's Oracle of Shadows and Light reading from Paganesque on Facebook.

What are you hiding? Running from? Now admitting to yourself of others?

Are you afraid?

Its time to be brave, remove that mask and lose that fearful, secretive part of yourself. Something is holding you back - do you know what it is? If not, you have some soul searching to do. Reflect on your behaviour - any major issues or dramas? What could you have done differently, or better?

Is you life full of toxic people? Remove them. Seek help if necessary. You ARE worth the trouble - and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

There is so much growth and shedding of layers happening - we are being forced to look into ourselves. On a human level, current events are forcing us to look at the world around us. Are we going to continue going around in circles, or will we stand up and make a change?

Here are the official meanings of the cards :)

 Card 1 - Marie Masquerade - Glamour, intrigue, drama

Marie Masquerade speaks –

“Someone is about to invite you to be involved in something very intriguing. And they will ask you in ways that are ever so charming, so the temptation will be ever so strong. Because they are beautiful, and talented, and powerful you are flattered! But the truth is, you run the risk of paying a very high price for this brush with fame or glory. Be sure that the politics and the intrigues are one you truly wish for in your life – because there is often a sacrifice that must be made, and many consequences are currently hidden from you. It is tempting, no doubt. But it may not be within your best interests to pursue this strange, slightly tainted offer that will be made.”

The message:

There is gossip and intrigue around a person you admire and wish to be like in some way. This person has need of a true friends, and not the need of an admirer. This card can come up when people experience jealousy and envy of those they feel are (undeservingly) more successful and be-loved than they are. The message for those folk is to focus on their own hard work, and to create their own style. If you are the subject of such gossip, know you cannot control what is said about you: live your life, and move through this with grace. When Marie Masquerade comes up, it would be fair to say that there are some around who want to befriend another, but simply for the influence and help they can feel they can give. It is not coming from the heart. And despite her beauty and success, anyone in Marie’s position needs true friends. Look inside and see if you have attempted to network instead of befriend… know the difference. False friends, fair-weather friends. What is currently fashionable and considered desirable, as opposed to being true to your own vision. Following rather than creating.
Card 2 - Fairy of the Highlands - It's time to be brave

The Fairy of the Highland Speaks:

“See this m my sword of power? I have long feared to use it. But now I must grow strong, and take it up, as you must, too. The thought of wielding it, or hurting anything or anyone make me sad, but I know what must be done, and I must learn to fight the good fight and stand up for what I believe in. Although I have been told I must not be aggressive, in fact I must now taker up my arms against this trouble and finish it for good. I am going into battle, and for that, I feel sorrow. But I will be fearless, strong and do what needs to be done. I may bathe my sword in tears, but I will no longer hold it back when the threat that approaches relies on my fear for victory. I will no longer give away my power so easily. This time, I will take back what is mine. “

The message:

The time for truce is over. It is time to speak your truth and be strong. Someone has been taking over your ground, wanting what you have worked hard for, without doing the work themselves. They have done so by taking advantage of your peaceful nature. But enough is enough. Sad as it is, it is time to change this, to cut away the cords between you and those who have taken so much, and now you will go into battle. Yes, it is said. Yes, the highland Fairy is sad for you. But do not allow sorrow and guilt to neglect self-protection. Honour yourself, raise your sword, and do not back down!

Card 3 - Death and the Maiden - Freedom, boundaries violated, dominance

Death speaks –

I am full of needs. I am hungry for life force. I need to be close to this young one, as she has all that I long for, and all I have not created for myself. I will simply hover about her, and take from her that which I want. Her warmth, her energy, her emotions and her beauty. She is an extension of me. What I want, I will take. And I love her, too. Very much. So much, I may just consume her entirely.

The maiden speaks –

I thought this was love, but now I can see and feel that this is invasive. They say they care for me, and yet they just seem to want to take from me. This no longer feels right, but I feel helpless and vulnerable. What can I do? How do I break free? And what if what they say is true: that they love me, and I am fearful for no reason?

Divination message – There is a very out-of-balance relationship between yourself and another at this time. It may be that you are Death, taking too much and imposing on another, and all the while blind as this skeleton to the truth. Or it may be that you are the Maiden, and have no defences against another who is draining you, claiming all the while to love you. You may have been drawn into the drama and colour and entertainment of a relationship that is full of ‘highs and lows’ and passion, but you are now discovering that it is tiring, draining, and lacking in respect. It is time to truthfully assess this relationship, and take steps to be safer, more protected, and more respected. Do not attempt to convince ‘Death’ of their problems: they will only draw closer, cling harder, and convince you that you have a problem, not them! You may feel fear as to what they will do once you separate from them, as they are vindictive and malicious. Freedom is worth the trial of separating! Ask yourself, is this relationship healthy for me? If the answer is no, then you must take steps to go.

Paganesque Moon Project - Day 1

Welcome to Day 1!

I have no idea what I am doing here - so feel free to giggle at my trial and error :) These blogs will be a bit messy I think while I figure out the scope of the project ...

If you are wondering what I am talking about, see The Paganesque Moon Project here.

Yesterday was a really draining day for me. I've been studying for a very long time, and it feels like I keep going around in circles, and will never finish. I've heard on the grapevine how hard it is to find work in my chosen profession, and I worry that it won't happen for me. I worry that I have wasted the last 12 years of my life. That no one will hire me and I will never be more than what I am now.
It sounds ridiculous when you actually voice something like this!
I also struggle with my weight. Ever since I've had children, I've yo-yo'd and I feel like a failure. I've seen other people around me who have lost 50kgs and I ask myself, why cant I do it? I don't know. I'm trying again tomorrow! (Yes, I have reached the point where I don't believe myself anymore)
So last night, I decided to do a little ritual and a tarot reading for myself. I also did a 3 card oracle reading. I love my cards :) They bring me comfort. They make me giggle. And they encouraged me to keep going!
Beforehand, I went out to look at the moon, Well being the Dark/New Moon, there was nothing to see, so I looked at the stars. It felt good. Everything seems so insignificant. I closed my eyes and visualised a light coming from the sky, through my crown, down my body into the Earth, and I began to chant. It felt like the gunk was dripping away :) I'm glad I did it.
ok - so reflecting on Moonflower's daily moon phase post - the New Moon is now in Leo and Mars has moved into Scorpio. 
* creative self expression and children
A few things came up - now is a good time for creative endeavours - I have a website in the planning stages- I wish I could devote more time to it, but Uni really needs to come first this week :)
Spending time with children and building relationships is important too - I didn't get much time with the kids today since I've been working and so absorbed with Uni. I then came to the realisation that one child hadn't practised her violin enough this week, and the other child is still waiting for me to finish reading a book to them. I really need to stop putting off time with them for other things, but other things are so pressing - I think I need to prioritise this month. I'll spend time with them tomorrow. 
*important endeavours bringing lasting changes
Tomorrow is Monday, which means I start my diet again. I will start with breakfast. And drink lots of water :) My bestie is finishing up her diploma in personal training or whatever they call it (yep, I'm a great friend ;p) so I'm trying to rope her into cheap training sessions :) Hopefully we can start that this week ... and I will get stuck into Uni. Start a 9-5 habit of no facebook :)
* good day for not taking things seriously
I worked today - I don't think I take things seriously enough. I tend to craqck jokes around the others, trying to lighten moods or enjoy serving customers. The only people who don't like my jokes tend to be the store managers I work for lol.
* lessons of mars - a ceasefire in a relationship?
Now here is something interesting - there is a person at work, who is new, but I get a really competitive vibe today. She is only 17, so I'm not going to get into a battle of wits - I've already won lol because I'm awesome. But I did offend her, so today I apologised ... and later I found out she is a Scorpio.
Mars has gone into Scorpio lol. I'm an Aries. How the heck am I going to get along with a Scorpio? I'm fire, she is water. I'm old, she is young. I'm honest and open, she is guarded. I'm over it already - she'll will probably hold a grudge :) And sting me. And I will butt against her shell - killing with kindness and awesomeness.
***Tarot for the Day ***
I decided to pull a tarot card and an Oracle card to reflect on the day. I pulled the Death card! hahaha. Yes yes, it is all about change and transformation. Maybe this is it. Letting go of the old and bringing in the new. makes sense, when we have a new moon and Im trying to shed the old, unworkable parts of me :) I drew Aine from the Goddess Guidance cards: all about taking a leap of faith and trusting the Universe. Everything will be ok. Great. Needed to hear that!
As an amusing asider, I had a reading done on my career prospects which I received today - according to the reader, my future happy profession (that would be for my highest good, make me happy etc) would be as a counsellor/medium-psychic...
Cool. I'm afraid of financial stability though.
Ok, I think I have gone on enough... it's almost midnight, which means I am off to bed, after saying good night to the Moon <3

Friday, July 25, 2014

~ Simple Dark Moon Release Spell ~

~ Simple Dark Moon Release Spell ~

I love the Dark Moon, because as opposed to the Full Moon which is illumined by the light of the Sun, the Dark Moon is like the Moon's true face - how she exists in her own right. I was born on the New Mo...on, and whenever it comes around I feel like I have let go of what has come before and can start afresh for the new month.

The Dark Moon is perfect for divination, peeling back the layers of our psyche to reveal what we don't usually see - and we can either heal or work with ourselves spiritually. I love doing readings, and my ritual for Hekate, my patron goddess. 

As The Dark Moon becomes the New Moon, it is the perfect time to start new projects, or do things like the Abundance cheques.

A simple spell you can do for the Dark Moon is a release spell - getting rid of something you don't need so you can grow or make way for new opportunities. Spells or projects where you want to increase something or bring something to you are perfect at this time.

All you need is a black candle, a fire proof dish, yourself and a quiet moment alone. The best spells are written by yourself, so have fun with it! Before you start, try writing a little chant. Don't be afraid of how it sounds, no one will hear it! It can be something like:

"By this candle on this Dark moon night
Help me release [this thing] from my life
Clearing the way for something new for me
An it harm none, so mote it be!"

(lol ^ something like that - you might want to spend more then 2 minutes on it)

Get into your sacred space - either physical or mental - take some deep breaths and relax. Feel your body and mind become part of the energy around you. You may or may or may not want to cast a circle at this point.

Write down on a piece of paper what it is you want to release - you can do more than one thing!

You might want to invoke a deity to help you - or use particular herbs or crystals as well - you could even make a talisman!

Light your candle, and begin your chant. Read out the things on the piece of paper, and as you burn it say "I release you" or something like that.

Visualise the thing leaving you. Feel what you would feel if it was gone - this is important, because you are putting the vibrations out there

When the candle has burned out (tip: don't use a big candle), know that your wish will come true. go outside and bury it in the ground, giving the energy back to the Earth.

You can make it as simple or elaborate as you want. Whatever feels right for you

Have a great day Enjoy the new lunar month -  On this New Moon, I'm starting the Paganesque Moon Project :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

~ Card of the Day ~ Oracle of Visions ~

~ Card of the Day ~ Oracle of Visions ~

What do you see when you look at this card? What is the message it is telling you? I would love to hear it!

I love it :) How gorgeous! Ciro Marchetti's work reminds me so much of Salvador Dali ~ if he were to come out of the desert with his dripping clocks and propped up sleeping heads and find himself in the middle of 70s glam rock meets Victorian Steampunk.

When I see this card, I think of dreams - and lucid dreaming. The ocean for me represents the subconscious. The woman on the beach is on the edge - we also have the elements of land, sea and sky. And the rainbows! What is through that window? If it were a lucid dream - I would try and fly up to the windows - but then, knowing how my lucid dreaming goes, I get all excited that I'm actually conscious in the dream and then lose focus and concentration lol and end up in the water. Mmm... probably something symbolic in that.

So what is the message for me today? I have a bunch of assignments due asap - and a. I need to stop looking toward the fantastical window in the sky, and b. don't let self doubt stop me from trying to achieve those dreams (the long term uni goal). I should still try and fly and reach the goal... lol in this way the window becomes opposite - it becomes the goal - in which case I should keep my eye on it!

The other interesting thing - and I have anxiety doing assignments because Im such a perfectionist, it really does stop me from starting things in case I fail or get them wrong - Ciro's meaning of the card reminds me of something Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita - that we need to have emotional detachment from the outcomes of things, so that we don't worry about them and just do them. Yep - definite message for me there :) I love these cards!

Here is Ciro's meaning:

~ Card 16 – Distance, Isolation, Perspective ~ 
“Distance not only gives nostalgia, but perspective, and maybe objectively.” Robert Morgan

Physical distance, or emotional detachment serve to give us a greater comprehensive view. Distance may also provide a clearer overall perspective than a close-up would. From this vantage point we can often get “the big picture” and reach different conclusions.

A solitary woman strolls a desolate beach, her isolation providing a point of reflection. Distanced from the influence of others, this is a scene of personal contemplation. The floating monoliths provide perspective and suggest the distances with greater emphasis than would an empty sky. Perhaps representing issue in her life, their distance reinforces her isolation but may also provide her with the perspective and clarity of vision that she is seeking.

We need to strike a balance when assessing a situation. Are we too closely involved? Or, should we step back?

From the Oracle of Visions :)

<3 Zenefertiti

Oracle of Visions Reading 23/07/14

G'day :)

This is the flipside of today's reading with the Oracle of Visions cards on Paganesque. These are gorgeous cards created by Ciro Marchetti. You may have seen some of his other decks - including the Gilded Tarot and the Legacy of the Divine Tarot.

Ciro's idea with these cards is to really allow our intuition to play - he felt that Tarot cards were too constrictive in their meanings - and unlike other Oracle cards, didn't include theme words on the images so as not to limit our understanding.

So anyway, trust your own thoughts and feelings based on these cards - when you look at the card you chose, what do you see? You might want to consider the following:

What was the first thing that caught your eye?
What is happening in the picture?
What feeling do you get when you look at the picture?
Does the picture trigger any good or bad memories or make you think of anyone in particular?
Who are the characters in the card? What are they doing, and can you relate?
How do you think you would feel if you were in the card?
Which symbols do your recognise in the card, and what do they mean to you?
What do you know about the symbols?

There are sooo many more things to consider - follow your train of thought and see where it takes you. But don't forget to actually relate it to your life or your question... what do you think the message for you is?


I really like this reading, and would love to hear your interpretations. These cards are so visually stimulating, I've spent the last 20 mins just staring at them.

I see performers. This makes me consider the masks I show the world, the bravado or the façade - where do I feel like I have to perform? Oh that's easy! Facebook pages necessitate competitive behaviour - it is easy to fall into the likes trap. I have fallen into the trap lots of times :)

On a personal level, I feel like I have to perform in my day to day life - we have so many different roles and expectations placed upon us, and we accept them. After a while, you get tired of the demands. Sometimes I just want to get out of my head :)

And to cope with these roles, to make things run smoothly and just simply get by, we adopt different personas - what are the different personas that you have? Others get used to our 'personalities' - what they see - and when you show a different side, they feel threatened by the unfamiliar.

These cards also show me support and guidance. You have the first card, he reminds me of the Fool in tarot. He is creating music - creating something beautiful - and looking directly at you, it feel like he is either playing you something, or bringing you the instrument and music so YOU can play - this indicates your gifts or talents :)

The middle card is another one where it is showing support - and I love how on the wall in the background are different depictions of the Strength cards! This card feels to me about drawing on inner strength - or becoming stronger in those talents you were gifted with by the previous card :)

And finally we have Lady Luck :) Who would not want her on their side?

Our time is now... everything is falling into place - you just have to take those opportunities, practise your craft, become stronger - find your truth. Live your authentic life.

You know what, I'm sure I could find a lot more in these cards :)

Here are the meanings written by Ciro Marchetti:

Card 1 – harmony, balance, being in tune with others

“You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note.” Doug Floyd

Harmony is not achieved in isolation; it requires a resonance or participation with others linked by time, rhythm or agreement. To be out of sync results in disharmony, discord and conflict. These musical metaphors can easily be applied to other actions and relationships that require us to live, work and generally relate to others.

Adjusting our perspective and modifying our position allows us to disregard differences and move forward in tune with others. With deft fingers the jester produces a melodic rainbow of harmony, her dress and the musical score sheet also working together to tell the same message of her ‘delight’ … Greensleeves of course.

Be wary of always making adjustments for the common good. There will be occasions when you should take the lead and solo performance is also required.
Card 2 – Support, bearing the weight of others
“Tis not enough to help the feeble up, but to support them after.” William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens, 1.1
This card represents the offering of strength and assistance, and bearing a burden on behalf of others. Providing support can take many forms: moral, emotional, physical and financial. We can offer out shoulders to bear the weight or lend an ear to share grief.
Here, a jester offers his shoulders on which the girl can perform. He raises her up, allowing her to be the focus of the audience’s attention, his subdued posture deliberately taking second place. His identity hidden, he provides an anonymous contribution. In the background are three tarot Strength cards, which serve as props and reaffirm this card’s message.
While the effort and gesture is a noble one, there are times where we should come out of the shadows and take credit for your contributions. You do not always have to settle for being second fiddle. Be careful not to allow others to take advantage of your generosity.
Card 3 – lady luck, fate, taking risks, evaluating the odds, superstition

“You’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?” Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry

This card is all about evaluating the odds and taking risks. Life is a constant roll of the dice, so you must consider all the pros and cons. While some choices can be avoided, others we are forced to make. Each comes with its own promise of reward or consequence. Our perception of our chances are often influenced by our individual abilities, belief or superstitions. But, ultimately only the lady knows what card she holds.

Lady Luck personifies our conceptual approach to luck and fate. Adorned and surrounded by a collection of associated symbols, she offers us another card that will determine whether we have a winning or losing hand.

Are we relying too much on luck? Are we struggling to pay our bills, but still buying a lottery ticket? Are we basing important decisions simply on the hope that things will turn out in our favour? If so, good luck and keep your fingers crossed. 
So there you go :) The fun part is to see any similarities or differences between your interpretation and others :) I hope you enjoyed the reading!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Introducing the Paganesque Moon Project

Our world is in trouble - humanity has become so disenfranchised from Mother Earth, the Divine Source and our own inner selves over the last few thousand years - and we are on the brink of a spiritual implosion.

I look at current events, and the media and the stereotypes, gender roles and unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves, and genuinely worry about the future for my children and grandchildren. I see how my own children, ages 7 and 8, act and interpret the world around them, and my role in that world.

It's more than mother-guilt - it's a genuine feeling of - these little people are our future, and it is up to us to guide the next generations with Spirit - so they can heal the planet and bring us all back on course.. to the Source (lol - poet and I sorta did know it... ).

I myself have met and been inspired by the beautiful Stacey Demarco and her NatureLuster Project and want to expand on that - but with a self-guided sort of exploration into the Moon and how her cycle affects mine - not just on that '28 day menstrual flow' perspective, but the whole emotional, spiritual, physical and mental cycles we seem to all go through.

Does that make sense?

Unfortunately googling 'ways to become in tune with the Moon' will lead you to the Moonflow mysteries lol, but there has to be more to it than that - something guys can relate to as well. Its not just about reproductive cycles, it's an exploration into the psyche.

But I'm new at this too - so really, I'm no expert. I've been studying paganism and witchcraft in a dedicated fashion for the last few years - before then it was haphazard :) There is so much information out there, and it isn't necessarily about being a Witch or whatever - I personally want to feel connected. Positive. Know that the cycles of life happen, and move forward and find happiness and raise good children.

So I propose this. How about we keep it simple?

The New Moon starts this weekend - and I am going to spend the next Lunar month reflecting on the Moon and me. And in case you are interested - I will blog about it, and you might like to do it too!

This is what I will do:

1. Everynight, without fail, from my window or going outside, I will spend a few minutes saying good night to the moon.

2. I will read the Moonflower daily moon phase updates on Paganesque and reflect how my day, my thoughts or emotions coincide (or are completely different from) what she says in the updates. (They are really good by the way! She writes greeeeeaaaaat updates :) )

3. I will keep a diary and track my emotions, feelings, significant thoughts, worries, events and body over the month to see if there are any patterns.

And that is it. Sounds simple. Are you interested?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dear Nicole

I have been with you since before time, in one form of energy or another. I am proud of
you, and I love you.

You are destined for greatness, sometimes you don't believe it, but it is true. Everything that has happened to you in your lives, this one, the last one, and the next one, have brought you to now, and you are on the precipice of greatness.

Don't define yourself by your story, you are so much more than that. You have many stories, which you love to share, and they are all part of you - but your book is unwritten. Don't let fear stop you from using your potential. Don't let life get in the way, and if it does, don't forget to come back to your Source.

Close your eyes, envision yourself in that pink loving cricle. Know that you have guides, angels and the energy of the universe within and around you - all you have to do is open yourself up to the messages we send.

All that pain, negativity, bad memories, morbid thoughts, self-doubt, fear, hate, anger, resentment.... they don't belong here. They have no place within your heart and you must remove them from your mind. When ever you feel swept away by them, you need to hang on, stop. Wait for the wind to die down, turn around and take a step in another direction. The more you do this, the less they will come, they will leave you alone.

Inside you is a suitcase full of yuck that you have been carrying around for so long. Open it, clean it, throw it away. Write these things on a piece of paper and burn it - release those things back into the universe. I'm sorry you felt these things, but without them, how would you know goodness? How would you know love? How could you appreciate what you really have?

And you found it. You are on the precipice of understanding - this is the journey that you were born to take - this is the journey you will take your children on. They are pure images of love, images of me, of the Universe. They are your gifts to the world and you are here to guide them.

The best way you can do that is to find peace within yourself. Meditiate. Run. Write. Learn. Love.

You have the power to have the life you have dreamed of. You have seen your dreams and synchronicity and the Universe in action - you know this to be true. Now is the time for you to remember. Now is the time for you to reach to me, to love and trust.

Trust that everything will be ok. Have faith in the Universe.

I love that your favourite poem is Desiderata. YOU ARE a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

I love you. I will always love you. You need to forgive those who have trespassed against you, and forgive yourself for the human things you have done. Keep your thoughts positive.  Manifest that beautiful destiny. Believe.

Go and be Serendipitous, my Darling Girl.

Over a year ago, I was stuck in a month- long depression. Things compound quickly and it is hard to pull yourself out. One day, I was watching the Secret. I'd heard about it, I was like, ok then. What is the secret? I remember sitting in my old lounge room, watching and folding washing.
It was so inspiring.. I felt my heart lifting as I watched. Something in me moved. Changed. Opened.
I had to write. Any writer will tell you - it's a feeling you get - an urge, a sentence, a sentiment. You have to write.
Though what I wrote was the above letter. It came from me, but it wasn't me. It felt like the words were coming from somewhere else. I didn't read, I just typed.
This is the only time I have done 'automatic writing' - and part of me wants to pursue this wonderful way of connecting with my guides. Must look into that :)
I think there is a message in this letter for all of us - and so I shared it on another blog, and am transferring it here today :)

Manifesting :)

*** I can't contain it anymore! BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! ***

It's only in the planning stages, we are currently compiling information and preparing the final product..... but we are now the proud owners of: !

There are a number of reasons - but mostly:

a. The recent hacking and stealing of Wild Witch, Wild Witch Academy and Wild Witch Teens was devastating and disappointing for all the admins and has effectively set the Academy back a year, and I am afraid of losing all our hard work here.

The page will not be deleted - just an extension of our empire! (bwa ha ha)

b. The BlogSpot website
Paganesque, while free and easy to use, doesn't have a great user-friendly template for you to easily find info I post there in a logical way

c. A website will enable us to combine the blog function, info pages, forum, resources and store all in one place.

d. Your online security (and ours) when purchasing readings, shamanic journeying and herbal/aromatherapy products from us. When the website is launched we will no longer book readings through the page - because if this page was hacked, I would hate for people who didn't know to give money to the hackers, expecting a reading.

I can't wait! We have a vision to provide a whole heap of Paganesque info - on witchcraft, ecology, paganism, manifestation, herbs, crystals, tarot.... so many ideas!

It will take a couple of months to build... because I want to make it great - all original - and all Paganesque :) We will keep you posted about the launch etc So stay tuned!


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Earth Power reading 20/07/2014

Hi there :) Thanks for visiting! Here is the Earth Power cards for today's reading on Paganesque and Wild Witch Official :)
So I tried something a bit different this week - finding your place of power based on the direction you wanted to go in. Depending on where you are, the directions can have these correspondences. In the Northern Hemisphere generally, the directions are:
North - Earth - practical physical body, creating, fertility, manifesting
East - Air - the mind, the intellect, thoughts, inspiration
South - Fire - Creativity, the will, magic, life force
West - Water - emotions, thoughts, feelings

(** I live in the Southern Hemisphere (yay me!) so I do the directions opposite, mostly because I live on the East Coast, and water is to the East, with the Desert to the West - so West for me is Air. North is the Equator - hot hot hot - so it's fire etc)

Here are the meanings of the cards:
North: Tanah Lot
 “The places ‘in between’ are important for my growth. I can release myself from worry and suffering if I choose. I now let go of all that no longer serves me.”

Key energies: transition, protection, flow, release, peace, liberation from burden

GPS: 8.62107 degrees S, 115.08716 degrees E

Location: Bali, Indonesia
Primary Elements: Sea and earth

Tanah Lot perches on a rock by the sea. Its very name means ‘land within the sea’ and it is one of those amazing ‘in between place – neither land nor sea – but both. It is said that the 15th century Hindu Priest Nirartha constructed the temple (along with the help of some local fisherman) as he thought it an ideal place to pay homage to the Balinese sea deities. Tanah is one of the seven sacred sea temples all built along the coast – all examples of both sacred geometry and geography. It is part of a pilgrimage to strengthen your devotion to the Gods here to visit each one.

Nirartha’s Hindu teachings centred upon the idea of moksha (moksa ‘liberation’), the belief that we should strive to release ourselves from suffering and burden. The temples he built were considered embodiments of the God Shiva. One of the symbols of Shiva is a snake and sea snakes are believed to gather around Tanah Lot to guard it and protect all who visit there from evil.

East: The Temple of Isis, Aswan

“I am open to be mothered. I can mother. I can heal my relationships and my life. My body is a miracle and can be healed of imbalance.”

Key energies: Feminine power, mothering, magic, unity, knowledge, healing

Location: Egypt

Primary element: Earth, air, water

The original Temple of Isis was built during the reign of Ptolemy II on the Island of Philae, near Aswan, on the Nile. It is a place of huge scale and majesty with huge stone columns, tomb and buildings. However in the 1960s the Aswan dam was built to harness some of the waters of the Nile and the temple began not only to be damaged, but horrifyingly some of it began to be lost permanently underwater. In an emergency joint mission between UNESCO and the Egyptian government, the Temple of Isis was dismantled stone by stone and reassembled on nearby Agilka Island. This gargantuan task took over a decade to complete and what we see today is an accurate reconstruction of the original using the original materials. It really is a kind of magic jigsaw puzzle… and one that reflects the mythos of the Goddess Isis herself.

Isis is one of the most enduring symbols of loving motherhood, dedicated wifehood and feminine protective energy. The wife of Osiris, the story of her love and devotion to him when he was killed and dismembered by his brother Set is a central story in the mythology of the Egyptians. Not satisfied that her great love would never attain eternal life, Isis travelled the Earth looking for the pieces of Osiris. She found him piece by piece. Advised by the God of Knowledge, Thoth, she then cast a powerful spell which brought her husband back to life long enough to conceive a son, Horus. Osiris retreated back into the Underworld. As a deity of resurrection, Osiris gave hope to all that there was an afterlife and that death could be transcended.

As a result of her role assisting Osiris (since known as the Lord of the Dead), Isis became a protectors of the dead and many sarcophagi featured her image with might outstretched winds extending her energy and protecting the body As mother of Horus, she is often depicted feeding him at the breast or cradling him lovingly, again symbols of feminine protection and influence. You can see how many carved reliefs and status here at this temple show this mythos.

The cult of Isis spread all over Egypt and extended into Greece, Italy and surrounding areas. Major temples were constructed in her honour not just in Philae but as far as Delos in Greece. Priestesses of Isis thus, were known for their healing skills and for their excellence in assisting birthing mothers.

South: Uluru

“I have power and it is real. I create my destiny. I carry the greatness of my ancestors in my body and soul”

Key energies: Creation, blood, magic, fertility

GPS: 25 degrees 20’42’’S, 131 degrees 2’10’’E

Location: Australia

Primary element: Earth and Water

Nothing quite prepares you for the sight of this blood red rock, massive in scale seemingly materialising out of the flat desert. One of the iconic sights of Australia, Uluru attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors a year even thought is in a remote environment.

The Anangu people are the traditional custodians of Uluru and are the holders of the intricate and complex creation stories that surround this very sacred piece of geography. The many folds and fissures of the rock are not just geological feature to the Anangu but sacred places of mythos, individually holding magic and energy and some are believed to even have creator beings still living within them.

Uluru is a magnet for fertility and life. The density of animal life particularly mammals is greatest nest the water run-off areas of Uluru, allowing animals and birds to flourish where water has been caught in pools and rock clefts. In some ways, the great rock is its own ecosystem providing life-giving water when the dry season extends long after the rains.

The energies of Uluru ebb and flow like the seasons and as you walk around the rock it is apparent that different sections have their own genus loci. The air shimmers in places – not just with heat.

 (^I've been there! Its absolutely monolithically awesome. You cannot imagine until you are there. I can still feel the awe)

West: Volubilis

“I am organised and efficient. I weave my spirituality through all aspect of my life. I can be both creative and prosperous.”

Key energies: Civic duty, control, home, honour, efficiency, influence.

Location: Morocco

GPS: 34 degrees 4’16’’N, 5 degrees 33’13’’W

Primary Element: Earth

Covering an area of 42 hectares, and situated between two fertile wadis, Khoumane and Ferdassa, Volubilis was the Mauritanian capital founded in the 3rd century BC that became an important Roman Empire outpost. The Roman geographer Pomponius Mela, writing in the 1st century AD, described Volubilis as ‘modestly sized’ and Pliny the Elder mentions it too in the 2nd century.

Situated near modern day Mekenes, the city was highly agricultural (over 56 olive pressing areas have been found) and wealthy judging by the quality of the infrastructure, size of homes and quality of the art within them. Marble and bronze statuary, mosaics, pottery, frescoes – as well as the kind of functional architecture (like aqueducts and public latrines) that was the stamp of the Roman Empire even far from home.

Amongst the ruins, quite visible upon the approach by the road, is the Capitoline Temple. A lone altar stands in front of the steps to the temple. Walking those 13 steps and entering the columned temple today is a powerful experience.

Whilst this is a barren place, it’s quite easy to imagine that a pretty wooded courtyard would have surrounded the basilica and that this single space was where the whole town would have met and prayed and petitioned to the gods.

The temple was dedicated to the three main divinities of the Roman civic state: Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. When there was a victory, the deities would have been thanked and there would possibly have been sacrifices made in their honour. If things were difficult, perhaps war or disease, the whole community would petition the gods for assistance.

The energy here feels very ancient and when you consider this together with the timeless quality of the panoramic landscape, it is not surprising to learn that this temple may have been built on top of an even older set of shrines.

There were four more small shrines within the temple precinct, one of which was dedicated to Venus and five other temples in the city, of which the most notable is the so-called “temple of Saturn’ that stood on the eastern side of Volubilis, again on a site that excavations have shown an earlier, perhaps of Punic origins, a temple to Baal.

The themes of the detailed mosaics, still in situ, are also mainly religious. Within some of the grander, richly decorated homes are mosaics with the themes of Orpheus, Amphitite, Jupiter, the labours of Hercules and some of dolphins which were animals of good fortune to the Romans. Perhaps one of the loveliest is the mosaic illustrating the goddess Diana and a nymph being surprised by Actaeon while bathing. Tag horns are beginning to rise from poor Acteon’s head as he is being transformed into a deer by the outraged goddess so that he can be killed by his own hunting dogs.

As you walk the site, it is easy to feel the thriving metropolis under your feet as the echoes of the gods that once were grandly worshipped a long way from home.

I hope you liked the reading :) Would love to hear what you think!