Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Earth Magic Oracle reading 16/07/2014

Welcome back :)

This is the Earth Magic Oracle Reading featured on Paganesque and Wild Witch - Official :)

Its a lovely reading, and strikes me as a story of evolution. Our beginning - we came from the Ocean, and into Creation - through the Dreamtime and now we are grounded here on Earth. Just as every cell in our body is continually renewing itself, so should we with our souls, beliefs and thought patterns. When we truly understand how interconnected we are, and that hurting others is hurting ourselves, we becoming closer to superseding our egos and living a happier life.

Plans that start from ideas, manifest and actually happen through hard work, hope, effort and belief in yourself and your values and ideals :) Plan big, start small - break huge projects into little chunks and chip away at your goals. There will be times when things feel hopeless and you can't keep up - or you get distracted by random mundanities... but so long as you come back to your true self - follow your heart and intuition and put love out into the world, you will find happiness.

You inner thoughts are creating your reality - so reflect on what your habitual thinking is, and how it is manipulating your life. Think about the lies and truths you tell yourself - how are your real beliefs helping or harming you?

Be inspired by Spirit. Ask yourself if your actions are bringing good into the world, or whether you are caught up in a spiral of ego - continually trying to compete with others. There is no competition. You are the best you that you can be! Let your creativity flow with divine inspiration :) You can move mountains once you wake up!

Now here are the actual meanings of the cards:

~ Ocean - Ebb and Flow ~

An important aspect of living is moving with the ebb and flow of your emotions, joining their fluidity but not being captured by it. It is also not necessary to become obsessed with any particular fluctuation in mood or feeling.  They are simply emotions, often activated in ways that are completely beyond your understanding.

You have been fighting the ebb and flow of your own feelings – denying your hurt, anger or sorrow – by either attaching yourself to one and nurturing it as if it was a nursing child, or else by smoothing over your feelings with more practised responses that deny and hide what is going on beneath the surface of your expression. When you attempt to constrict yourself from experiencing your emotions, it is much like trying to stem the tides that grow even more forceful with every attempt that humans make to control them.
Allow yourself to swim with these variations rather than resisting them.

~ Dreamtime - Creation ~

Close your eyes, tune in to your breathing and allow yourself to sink deeply into the heart of the living creation that you are. As you notice your breath becoming steady and slightly deeper than usual, observe the urge within you that is begging to come forth in some creative action. Pay attention to any images, sounds, or feelings that beckon your awareness; and there you will find the key as to the manner in which to express this magnificent pulse.

Your breath is the crossover between Spirit and physical reality. Breathing comfortably and steadily helps you align yourself with Spirit, which then brings a clearer focus on what creative expressions is preparing to be birthed through and from you.  Discard any habitual thought patterns that would prevent the manifestation of what you are being prompted to bring forth. Allow yourself to take risks with this creative self-expression, and all of Creation will smile upon you.
~ Tree - Grounding ~
You have been feeling scattered and spacey lately.  You are not fully in your body and this is because you have not been able to get grounded. This is quite literal in that your body is made of the materials of Earth. So when you feel disconnected from your body, you are inevitably disconnected from Earth. So get yourself grounded, you can do so quite simply.
With your feet firmly planted on the ground wherever you are, feel the Etheric roots which extend into Earth. Follow your breath so that each time you exhale, you can imagine these roots growing even deeper. Each time you inhale, draw up the loving, nurturing power of the Earth Mother.
As soon as you have the chance, go outdoors and sit or stand with your back supported by a tree. Feel its solidness and integrity – it is simply being a tree. Breathe in the essence of the Tree Spirit and allow this to fill you up. Walk barefoot very slowly on the ground so you can maintain this connection.
I hope you enjoyed the reading! Would love to hear what you think :)

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