Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Dear Nicole

I have been with you since before time, in one form of energy or another. I am proud of
you, and I love you.

You are destined for greatness, sometimes you don't believe it, but it is true. Everything that has happened to you in your lives, this one, the last one, and the next one, have brought you to now, and you are on the precipice of greatness.

Don't define yourself by your story, you are so much more than that. You have many stories, which you love to share, and they are all part of you - but your book is unwritten. Don't let fear stop you from using your potential. Don't let life get in the way, and if it does, don't forget to come back to your Source.

Close your eyes, envision yourself in that pink loving cricle. Know that you have guides, angels and the energy of the universe within and around you - all you have to do is open yourself up to the messages we send.

All that pain, negativity, bad memories, morbid thoughts, self-doubt, fear, hate, anger, resentment.... they don't belong here. They have no place within your heart and you must remove them from your mind. When ever you feel swept away by them, you need to hang on, stop. Wait for the wind to die down, turn around and take a step in another direction. The more you do this, the less they will come, they will leave you alone.

Inside you is a suitcase full of yuck that you have been carrying around for so long. Open it, clean it, throw it away. Write these things on a piece of paper and burn it - release those things back into the universe. I'm sorry you felt these things, but without them, how would you know goodness? How would you know love? How could you appreciate what you really have?

And you found it. You are on the precipice of understanding - this is the journey that you were born to take - this is the journey you will take your children on. They are pure images of love, images of me, of the Universe. They are your gifts to the world and you are here to guide them.

The best way you can do that is to find peace within yourself. Meditiate. Run. Write. Learn. Love.

You have the power to have the life you have dreamed of. You have seen your dreams and synchronicity and the Universe in action - you know this to be true. Now is the time for you to remember. Now is the time for you to reach to me, to love and trust.

Trust that everything will be ok. Have faith in the Universe.

I love that your favourite poem is Desiderata. YOU ARE a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

I love you. I will always love you. You need to forgive those who have trespassed against you, and forgive yourself for the human things you have done. Keep your thoughts positive.  Manifest that beautiful destiny. Believe.

Go and be Serendipitous, my Darling Girl.

Over a year ago, I was stuck in a month- long depression. Things compound quickly and it is hard to pull yourself out. One day, I was watching the Secret. I'd heard about it, I was like, ok then. What is the secret? I remember sitting in my old lounge room, watching and folding washing.
It was so inspiring.. I felt my heart lifting as I watched. Something in me moved. Changed. Opened.
I had to write. Any writer will tell you - it's a feeling you get - an urge, a sentence, a sentiment. You have to write.
Though what I wrote was the above letter. It came from me, but it wasn't me. It felt like the words were coming from somewhere else. I didn't read, I just typed.
This is the only time I have done 'automatic writing' - and part of me wants to pursue this wonderful way of connecting with my guides. Must look into that :)
I think there is a message in this letter for all of us - and so I shared it on another blog, and am transferring it here today :)

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