Thursday, July 3, 2014

What is the difference between Tarot and Oracle Cards?

~ What's the difference between Tarot and Oracle Cards? ~

Well I would say firstly, the structure.

Tarot cards come in a deck of 78 cards - compiled of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards divided into 4 suits: Pentacles (Coins), Wands (Rods, Staves), Cups (Chalices) and Swords. ...

They are said to have originated sometime during the Middle Ages in Italy. Though there are many stories of their origins.. that one makes the most sense to me

The Major Arcana cards deal with life's big lessons - the big themes that happen in everyone's lives - everything from growing up, falling in love, making babies, death, sacrifices, judgement, introspection, depression, supreme happiness, success, changes happening and the culmination of events ... the major arcana also represent archetypes which we find in all of us and our environment.

The Minor Arcana cards provide the details that happen in our lives that lead to the major lessons being learnt. The minor arcana often point to significant and uncanny minor details which forma gorgeous picture of accuracy <3

Of course, there is much more to it than that - but you should really discover that for yourself :)

 Oracle cards do not have a set structure or number of cards - they are created by the intuitive whim of the maker, and are usually based on themes such as healing (Doreen Virtue's decks come to mind), spiritual guidance, messages from guides (including animals and angels), or fantasy and mythology such as mermaids, Dragonfae and fairies.

The purpose for which you would use them is different too.. though debateable.

There is no right or wrong way to use them. Generally though, Oracle cards are best used for 'bigger picture' questions - where you need spiritual guidance. They are like a huge deck of Major Arcana tarot cards. They are more straightforward than Tarot, yet sometimes are more vague. They require the use of intuition, as their definitions have not been developed into a standard set of traditional meanings like the Tarot Cards.

Tarot Cards are great for the more mundane questions.. where you need to make a choice, or require details about a particular situation or issue affecting the querent.

Don't get me wrong, Tarot can definitely be used for bigger picture divination as well! You should experiment with both, though you don't have to I don't believe one is better than the other... they can be complementary.. and it is really up to the reader to discover and enjoy

If you want a reading - think of the question you want to ask. If you require detail, or if it is about a situation or relationship, you are probably better off using Tarot.

If you want advice on bigger picture/ karmic/ spiritual guidance type questions, then choose Oracle Cards. Though Tarot can be good here too

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