Monday, July 7, 2014

What would happen if we fell in love with Earth again?

Yesterday, Labrynth and I were lucky enough to meet Stacey Demarco, a well-known Australian Witch and creator of some of my favourite Oracle Decks, the Goddesses and Sirens deck, the Gods and Titans deck, and my newest, Earth Power deck.

She is a wonderfully warm and engaging personality and is now launching her Natureluster charity - it is an awesome idea We are all disconnected from Earth, living, working, sleeping, eating and being entertained by boxes... we all need to get out more!

And the problem with our modern lifestyle is that because we are disconnected from Earth, we don't really care what happens to it - the human brain tends to ignore uncomfortable truths - and so we are all turning a blind eye, hoping global warming will go away, or factory farming will go away... but it wont.

As pagans, we have a special connection with Earth - and we are the lucky ones - it is up to us to get everyone else loving the Earth too!

And so we come across NatureLuster ... we only want to save things we care about and love - so what if we fell in love with Nature again? And not just love - What about passion? what if we were all passionate about Earth? ?

Imagine what we could accomplish.

So check out her website, and get outside!

[the current one is under construction - it will debut very soon!]

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