Thursday, June 6, 2013

~Tarot 101 ~ The Suits

PENTACLES ~ material grounding, becoming in tune and nurturing the Psyche
... Pentacles represent grounding in material matters so we are in a position to proceed with our spiritual growth. The indicate ego development and using ones energy for expression and self-development. Keywords: Manifestation, realisation, proof, prosperity. The fruits of one’s labour.
Element – Earth

SWORDS ~ fighting illusion; logic, double edged decisions– will you focus on the problem or the opportunity?
Indicate mental conflicts we need to remedy and the abilities that will hinder or help us. They are associated with air, and thinking. They are the archetypal illusion of opposites and duality. Keywords: action, movement, struggle, keenness. The difficulties of turning thought into action.
Element - Air

CUPS ~ feeling your way – emotional pathways
Symbolise enthusiasm, passion, and conviction; people who are ardent and sensitive. The highlight the emotional side of our questions and the responses we have to situations, positive or negative.
They give us insight for learning to trust and respond to feelings without being ruled by them. They connect outer awareness to inner awareness encourage us to take action based on integrated perspectives. Keywords: emotion, desire, inner experience, spirit. They are the glue or cohesive factor in the manifestation of ideas into actions.
Element - Water.

WANDS ~ The Spirit Soars….
Wands place high value on the meaning of experiences, expanding consciousness and intuition. They show a conflict between striving to think of an answer and opening up to inspiration and receiving one.
They bring us experiences and struggles that test out ability to trust and communicate with the higher self. Keywords: ideas, growth, ambition, expansion. The original thought, intention or primary element of growth.
Element – Fire.
(Echols, Mueller, Thomson, 1996)
featured on Wild Witch

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