Thursday, June 6, 2013

~ PaganesqueTarot Series ~ Tarot 101 ~

~ Tarot 101 ~
While I have lots of books on Tarot, and I am the eternal student, the information  on Tarot that I will start with comes from Spiritual Tarot, by Signe E Echols, Robert Mueller and Sandra Thomson, unless otherwise stated.  It’s an awesome book – definitely worth buying.. or borrowing – but so tempting not to return! They do another one, called Lovers' Tarot which I would like to check out at some stage. 

The topics I will cover in the Zenefertiti Tarot Series
Other things you can do with Tarot
  • meditation
  • pathworking
  • drawing a daily/monthly card
  • spell work
  • creative writing
That's all that comes off the top of my head at the moment, I'm sure I will think of more :) Let's begin with Archetypes and why we study them. What use do they have for us?

Image from:

Why study Tarot archetypes?
Tarot triggers your memories, feelings and associations and as a result,
your awareness of what is happening in particular areas of your life. The more you use the cards, the more you grow. Each card represents an archetype in some way – and its symbols give you clues or help you better understand the archetype and how its meaning can help you grow spiritually.
What is an Archetype?
An Archetype is an essential building block of your personality. We all manifest them in some way. Getting to know the archetypes and recognising them in our own souls, minds and lives will help us connect with our higher self, and hopefully we will become happier and connected with our life purpose in the meantime!
When you are facing a challenging situation, for example, a Tarot Archetype can help you decide the next course of action.. like those questions "What would Jesus do?" hahaha But ask yourself "What would the Warrior do?" (referring to the Chariot). Perhaps in a personal or family relationship, you can ask yourself "What are the values of the Lovers' card I can follow? How can I do what they do, in my own life?"

There is always much to learn and understand, so let’s start with some main questions we can use to study the symbolism and archetypes of each Tarot card. I won’t go through the questions for each card myself … that is something only you can do. I've made a picture of the Archetypes and Questions posted

* Practical stuff you can do *
Lol – Start a Tarot Journal (I’m beginning to see a pattern here... journals for this, journals for that ;p) with one card per page – or 2 pages would be better. You can also use the binder idea. 
Questions to ask as you study the cards:
For each card, ask the following questions. Do this in a reading before turning to the definitions for each card. You can also do this as you work through each card to learn its inner meaning, values or message as you understand it. I will post more on drawing cards later. 

Image from
1. What does the card convey to you?
2. Of what life experience does it remind you?
3. Have you had this experience or only heard of it?
4. How close to or removed from the depicted characters do you feel?
5. Overall, do you like this card?
6. Are there some parts you are more drawn to than others?
7. Are there parts of it you don’t like or that make you uncomfortable?
8. If the characters on the card could speak, what would they say? Speak to them, write it down.
9. What does the figure’s depicted position on the card suggest to you about his or her state of mind? If you were the character in the card, how might you change you placement in the scene, or your posture?
10. What might this character do next?

(Spiritual Tarot, by Signe E Echols, Robert Mueller and Sandra Thomson, 1996)




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