Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wild Witch Academy


I have been busy this last 6 months, and never here. All my blogs have suffered! I've been trying to be all things.. to myself, but also to all people. Doesn't quite work, but that has never stopped me before.

I wanted to write a quick note about The Wild Witch Academy. If there was anything ever clearly serendipitous in my life, there was this group of wonderful people I fell into a clique with. When I finished Uni in November last year, I was all set to write my epic novel (I have a great idea!) so I was doing some planning on the characters and plot lines and decided that one of them would be a witch. I'm not sure what happened next, but I ended up in an online Witch School - for a year and a day. That is what they call the tradtional period of time it takes to learn and study the Path, and to become an initiate. That's how I understand it anyway.

This Witch School had good intentions. There were a group of teachers who would give us daily lessons, we would complete assignments and learn the beginning of all there is to know. Unfortunately this school had over 800 students and on the first day spectacularly imploded. The drama was fantastic. I left after a couple of weeks cos it was just too much. There was paranoia, controlling people and guilt trips. Secrecy and planning. This was not what I wanted.

The awesome thing that came out of this group was my study group -  where more than 20 people from across the globe fell into a synchronous excitement of learning and finding our own paths to spirituality. It was truely bizarre.

So that is how I found Moonsong Rain. She is the founder of Wild Witch. I cannot describe her adequately on paper. She is a mentor to me, and a friend. A sister. A confidant. No matter what happens, we will always have Wild Witch.

Along with Scarlett Meadow, her 'twinny', Moonsong has created the Wild Witch Academy. It is through this Academy that I have grown spiritually and exponentially on my own path over the last 6 months. I'm still somewhat in the Broom Closet.. hard to believe, I know. But I feel like my soul has remembered a part of itself, my soul has again become connected with the Universe, and even though I have my ups and downs I accept that my soul is here to enjoy them.

I started out thinking, "Oh I'm going to be a Wiccan".. but the ritual stuff is not really for me at this point. I easily feel like a Pagan - an earth loving, nature worshipping and (now) tree hugging spirituality in tune with the Universal Energies that abound. Well that's how I see it. I've read and read and read as much as I can.. I'm ready to share here because I feel confident that I am starting to get the idea.

There are so many online schools teaching the principles of Witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism in general. My first advice would be to read everything on the topic you can get your hands on. There are free schools and paid schools. What is right for one person is not as right for another. Follow your instincts.

Wild Witch Academy is not free, but as far as online courses go, I think it's cheap. I've sampled some of the other free ones, and I believe Wild Witch is better. I'm allowed to! Check it out if you want to :) The link is You can also find out more about the Academy by checking out Wild Witch or The Wild Witch Academy.

I am a new admin on the FB/WildWitch page... a community education site that provides information on Witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism. I will not share what other's have posted there, but I will share the posts I write on here - so you can have a collection of the stuff I have studied. Being an admin has really motivated me to make summaries of stuff and find out stuff and like stuff and stuff ;p I hope you like what you see. Feel free to give us feedback.

Ok, I've rambled enough for now. Happy reading!

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